extractor tension?


New member
I hear about "adjusting extractor tension" from time to time on this forum. Just how do you adjust an extractor? To look at it, it's nothing but a funny shapped bar with a hook that goes into the rear of the slide. So how do you "fix" an extractor? I've had the original extractor in my Kimber Custom (about 10,000 rounds fired, various ammo) and I haven't done a thing to it except clean it after every trip to the range.

:confused: :confused: :confused:


New member
Well, if it ain't broke....
But you know if it's not set right, it won't hook the case well, won't extract when it's supposed to.
It's just a matter of how much bow there is.
Too much, and the hook has trouble getting around the case rim.
Too little, and it won't hold as the slide moves back out of battery.

Mine (Kimber) came to me with the extractor a bit loose.
They sell tools for doing it "right," but I just took the thing and bent it inwards a bit - just a bit, mind you - and taking care to bend just in the front half-inch or so.

look here

James K

Member In Memoriam
If the extractor is properly made of spring steel, you can restore tension by simply clamping the rear end in a vise, oriented as it would be in the pistol, and tap the hook end (but opposite the hook) with a hammer. A few taps will work wonders.

If the extractor is made by MIM or some other way, it may snap.
Maybe better in the vise than in the gun when you need it, but your choice.


Bob C

New member
Jack Weigand sells a kit to both measure and accurately adjust the tension of the extractor.


In my experience, reliability issues with 1911's are most likely either the magazine, bad ammo, or the extractor.

Wilson mags, the Weigand kit, and a Lee factory crimp die work wonders.

Navy joe

New member
I usually tweak mine by hand bending w/ the hook end on a table. Only had to do it once after beating gun apart from particularly wicked malf. (barrel broke in two, locking brass to extractor.) Yours isn't broke, so don't fix it. Don't ever load by dropping a round in the chamber and it will probably be good for a long time.