Extractor Spring Pin Question


New member
My question is for those who own a PX4 Storm Compact.
I own one in 9mm, that has maybe 800 rounds or so being shot.
Today at the range, after the slide locking back when empty, after inserting
a full mag the slide didn't want to return after dropping the slide release.
I didn't give it much thought, as after fiddling with both sides release, or inserting an empty mag it would then slide back.
When I cleaned the gun, I noticed something that maybe you could check on yours for me.
The "Extractor Spring Pin" (hole in top of slide) seems to be protruding into
the underside of my slide, and has been causing wear on the polymer frame below. I don't recall it protruding before, and I suspect this may be my problem. My pic attached is very blurred (sorry), but you can still see the protruding pin.
Maybe you would be kind enough to see if yours is "flush" on the underside of the slide.
Thanks so much!
Note: sorry, lost my attachment from my post on the Semi Auto Forum
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It should be flush with the top of the slide and not biting into the frame. I would take a roll pin punch and drive it back up.


New member
Being almost new, I wonder if I should contact Beretta?
the pin has really roughed up the polymer just below the slide/pin.

Dixie Gunsmithing

Moderator Emeritus
I would drive it back flush, then take a prick punch, and stake the side of the hole a little bit, so it couldn't work its way back out. If you need to remove it later, it can still be driven out.


New member
Thanks guys!
I was a builder/contractor not a gunsmith (obivously), so I'm not
going to have the exact tool/punch needed. Don't think my old nail punches
would do a very good job. :eek:
I think that I will at least call and talk to Beretta, see if they are willing to
do something for me. The chewed up frame surface does bother me, I do have sandpaper which I could smooth it up some with.


New member
Thanks for the info!
Tapped it back in place, will take to the range and see if it stays
in place. Appreciate the input though, may end up having to do like
you suggest.