Extra TV Last Night-LEO ND near head shot


New member
Did any body see Extra TV last night. They had a interesting arrest scene video.

It starts with large black male officer wresteling down a white male suspect. There is a blonde female officer covering the take down with what looks like a Smith auto drawn. The officer gets the gun down put a knee in his back gets control of his hands and goes for his cuffs. The video zooms in and excludes the female officer from the scene. Bout the time he gets one hand cuffed and is trying for the second you see a puff of smoke and dirt rising off the pavement about a foot from the guys head. Both the male cop and the perp recoil from the shot and the video zooms out. You see the female fiddleing with the decocker (gun still pointed in the general direction of the other cop and perp) then shoving the gun back in the holster.

Time for a little retraining???

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
It was a Beretta 92, IIRC. She pulled through the DA pull as she ran up.

I've heard Ayoob discuss this and he said he slo-mo'ed it and that's what happened.

Before someone goes off on the female cop thing again, I've seen the same thing done
by a cop running up to another incident
with his MP-5. On video somewhere.


New member
It was definately a Baretta 92 (I believe it was the LAPD). the shot was danger close to the subject and the angle of the ricochet had to extremely close to the arresting officer, who was on top of the subject. After watching it again, I though she was going to fire off another round tying to holster the firearm. The subject had to have pooped his pants and must be 1/2 deaf now.


Jeff, CA

Scary part is, if she'd killed the BG it would've been ruled justified.

Scarier part is, if she'd killed her partner the BG would've been charged with the murder.


New member
And, uhhh, guns belong in only the hands of responsible trained military, and police...

So, was the "officer" charged with discharging a firearm within the city limits?

How about reckless endangerment? Was anything done at all, except to broadcast this on TV, so as to get everyone accustomed to the sight.

Whatever happened to keep your f()k!ng finger off the trigger unless necessary!!!

If'n that that was me, I'd be having that video shown to a jury of my peers. :( :(

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler


New member
Keep your finger off the trigger....how many times and ways can you tell somebody that? Check the video closely, and you will see her holster the weapon with the hammer COCKED! Somebody needs a bit "remediation." The cop on the perps back WOULD have been justified in pulling her arm out of the socket and beating her senseless with it. And wasn't it LASO, not PD?