Extended safeties, reciprocating bolt handles, yadda yadda yadda...


New member
Got a question for y'all..

Given the choice between two sets of controls on a firearm -- one that's sleek and close in to the weapon, and another that juts out all over, but is easier to manipulate, which do you prefer?

For example -- on a FAL type rifle -- would you prefer a fixed handle attatched to the bolt, that reciprocates with it, or the fold-away, non-reciprocating type?

1911 -- extended thumb safety? or the little gov't type?

Basically -- which design theory is better, under what circumstances? I'm thinking primarily EvilBlackRifle type tools in particular, but I'm curious what y'all think about any application.

From my admittedly largely inexperienced viewpoint, it seems that (within reason) the bigger and simpler the controls, the better -- less to fumble on during stress. Sometimes, a little better leverage to. Jah? Or no?



New member
I prefer the non-reciprocating, fold-away (or at least non-intrusive) bolt hand on my rifles and the smaller safeties on my pistols. But then, the primary guns I shoot are FALs, AR15s and 1911A1s.



New member
I would say "it depends on what you are doing with it".

On the FAL, if we are talking about the carrying handle then I think it would bug me to have that thing moving around when I was shooting.

On the 1911: If we are talking concealed carry, then a smaller safety would be more comfortable but a little less fumble proof. If we are talking about IPSC matches then a big old paddle of a safety seems like the way to go. If we are just target shooting then it probably doesn't matter.

On an EBR, I haven't used one since '91 but I don't remember any complaints on the stock equipment.



New member
I cannot comment on the FAL, but on the 1911 I like the extended safety. I have not problem carrying my Kimber custom concealed in an IWB holster. I have failed to get the safety off and back on compleatly with the smaller stlye, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I am used to my Kimber and at the time I was going for draw speed. Either one will work just fine it dependes on what you are used to and what feels better to you.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've never bothered to add whatzits to any of my rifles.

My pet carry-critter is a LW Commander; it has been worked over quite a bit and I do have an extended safety. It has never been in the way, at any time. It's longer, not wider, than the stock safety.



New member
One of my FALs has fixed, sticky out, handle.
Others have folding.
None reciprocate.
All work.
Don't care.

1911...I prefer stock milspec GI throughout the guns.
