Exposing SF posers.


New member
Some time ago on this board, or one like it, I saw a link to a Web Page that exposes, Special Forces wannabe-be's.

I got a lady friend of mine who's recently hooked up with a real winner. He's 44. Former Marine, Recon (of course), and served in Vietnam but, "Doesn't want to talk about it.". Now he is a Doctor in LA, but he's gone from a Transplant specialist, to a Resident. He's got all the looks and feel of a full time con-artist, and I'd love to nail him and save her a lot of grief.

I remember reading this site but I can't find it.

I was in the Marine Reserves from 89-95. In a LAR bn. Worked with some Recon types for a bit, and got activated for Desert Storm. So I know the lingo. I know if I could talk to this guy for just a few minutes I could find out the truth, but the chance hasn't come up.

Any Ideas?


New member
Ask about his DD214 or his Medal of Honor (trap him in it, there are only like 160 recipients of the MoH, and their names are publically available). Even better, ask about his bunkmates in Boot, say one you talk to one of your COs a lot, and he thinks he might have been the suspect's bunkmate. Isnt 44 a little old to be a Resident?



Resident in what field?
Gone from transplant surgeon to resident??????
Normally any type of surgical field requres 6 to 8 years of residency.
Sounds like the guy is full of well known smelly matter that has been reported to impact various air mooving devices on occasion.


From years of listening to this sort of thing I've done some mental math;

Vietnam was our most efficient war ever. We had 500,000 Marine snipers, all suffering PTSD and won't talk about it, and over one million SEALS, all working on classified ops with no record of their having "been there ya know".

No cooks or transport people were required. Now is that good or what?

Marko Kloos

New member
From experience, if they tell you that they were aircraft maintenance or cooks, they're usually the real deal. There are a hundred, maybe a thousand wannabes out there for every real SEAL, Green Beret, MOH recipient or Force Recon member.

The SpecOps community in any Army is rather small, and the fakes are usually blatantly obvious after talking to them for a minute or two. There are questions that can be answered only by those in the know, and "it's a secret" or "I don't remember" don't count. Mostly trivial stuff, nothing that's gung-ho or easily obtainable through Soldier of Fiction.

For a soldier, there are few acts as despicable as wearing headgear, badges or medals you didn't earn.
Well, just break out the calculator and you may have your answer.

If he is 44 years old now then that would mean he was born around 1957 (give or take a year). Add 17 to that (heck, let's say he was real motivated and got in at 16) and you get 1973! Add in boot camp, infantry training, Force Recon selection and training and this guy would be pretty damn unlikely to get to Vietnam before the communists overran it - let alone while there were significant American operations involving Marines going on. Offical command history for Force Recon in Vietnam stops at 1970.

There might have been military advisors and some black ops missions beyond that date; but I doubt they are going to take a 17yr old fresh out of training and assign him to an advisor slot or super-secret mission.

You might try and get which Recon Battalion he claims he was assigned to as the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion maintains some detailed online information that would help expose him:

Check out this link for more Force Recon info:


New member
Do the math...

Do the math. I'll be 45 in a few days. Technicaly, right now, I'm 44. (Hey! I'm a magnum! woohoo!) I graduated from high school in the usual 12 years, June of '74. I went in few weeks after high school (actually delayed entry before I graduated), hitting Ft. Polk for basic at the end of July. I was 'technically' a "Viet Nam Era Veteran", and I got that marvelous "Fire Watch" ribbon at the completion of AIT. If this guy is 44, he could have hit the last few months of 'Nam MAYBE if he enlisted on his 17th birthday (which could be done with parent's permission) and got shipped over right away. Time out for basic, AIT, AND Special Warfare School?

Ah don' theeeen so! :barf:

Of course, he's not as bad as the guy I met who claimed to have been in SF while still in high school. Of course, that was all classified and he can't talk about it. Of course.


New member
I run into this kind of guy all the time. I've met not one but TWO guys at the range who claimed to be Delta Force vets.
I used to work with a mentally imbalanced prematurely bald 24 year old who claimed to be a Marine sniper with 64 confirmed kills.
Hell, when I was in IOBC, our company commander made a huge deal about having been in one of the Ranger Bats...even though we later found out he'd been the comptroller.
There was also this E-6 I served with in the National Guard while I was in college that flaunted the SF combat patch he'd gotten during Grenada...but when pressed admitted he'd never been to Q-school and was only attached to an SF unit as a RTO.
Whoever said the SF community is tight has it right. Two of my ROTC instructors in college were former SF guys, one of whom was a mustang in Nam, and whenever I mention their names to older SF guys I meet they KNOW who they are.


New member
Thx for the links guys.
I'd pretty much done the math myself, I KNOW this guy is a BS artist, I just want the proof.
My friend is still is that "Glassy Eyed/Stupid Grin" phase of the relationship. It's no use trying to talk to her about anything. I'm waiting for Mr. Perfect to start asking for a "loan" to cover his emergency. THEN I'll step in with the "This isn't a good idea." Or she'll wind up in 7 or 8 Zip lock bags, and with a picture on a milk carton.


New member
Maybe he was in the SEELs. Enlisted as a fetus. Came outta the womb kicking @$$ and taking names and hasn't looked back since.




New member
My step dad was in Special Forces. He was born in `32 & I think went in when about 20, ie 1952. He went through all the training and I know he spent some time as a medic. He did a lot of paratroop training & a lot of unusual training & language & psychological warfare stuff. Also learned "Aikido" & taught it as a civilian.

He never talked about himself much and never about his time in the military. He's now deceased.

1) He was dropped be in some foreign country and told to guard a crossing. He said he didn't know what country or what he was guarding it from, but may have not been telling me the whole story.
- What country could this have been in?

2) I understood that the name "special forces" went away prior to Viet Nam?

ps: He thought that it was really funny that someone military showed up about 10 years ago and asked that he come back and be an instructor. They gave him a really cool t-shirt anyway.


New member
I find it amazing how many civilians believe a lot of the BS given by some veterans.

I was getting a hair cut once and remember a woman bragging about how her boyfriend was a bad-a## because he was "ex-military". I've seen many put on the act. Funny thing is, they'll feed people all their lies and inflated stories not knowing that there might be ex-military types in their "audience" who know better. It's pretty stupid to act in such a manner. There are a lot of people who have been in the military; a very significant portion of the population is "ex-military". Many can be found in nursing homes. I wonder if anyone thinks of them as the bad-a## type.

I guess the moral of the story is they can't fool all the people all the time.


New member
There is an active net that is dedicated to exposing "wannabes". Go the "special forces webring" and report this to their guestbook. I am involved with the "closed" portion of this site and they actively hunt these #@$% down. Go to any of the active SF organizations or the Special Operations Association and report this in their guestbook. They will contact you and get the info needed.

The SEALs have similar organizations. Do not contact any individual's website as they are most likely phony. Go the the organization and report it.

If this does not work//I'll give you my e-mail and send it to me. I'll get it to them. I'll check periodically as I am traveling (currently in Texas). But, as previous posters stated, he is way too young to have been in any of the "spook" stuff in Vietnma. "Most" spec-ops folks pulled out several years prior to the overrun.


Member In Memoriam
Reminds me of a contract roustabout that was sent out to me one time. The kid was 18 years old (I had to verify that by his ID), but he had spent(according to him) 4 years in reform school, 4 years in prison, 4 years in the USMC, and 4 years working offshore oil! I asked him what did he do when he was 2 years old. Join the Corps, go to prison or work derricks on a drilling rig? I got the blankest look in the world. Hell his math was so bad he had not the least idea what I was talking about! (plus he was not the brightest crayon in the box}