Export advice


New member
I am a British resident and certain American goods have become hard to come by over here. I have spoken by phone to one American firearms dealer, who told me that he was unable to send me certain items because, due to Post 9/11 U.S. legislation, they were classed as weapon related and could not, therefore be exported.
They are :

1) a Leopold Scout Scope,
2) S&K scope mount and rings for the above,
3) Mojo sight systems.

All the above would be used on military surplus bolt action rifles.

My questions are ;

1) would it be legal for me to send a check to my cousin who lives in the U.S.A, get him to buy these things and post them to me in England?

2) if he did did this, would he be breaking any laws and be likely to get into trouble?

3) Finally, if he were to post me this stuff, would it be likely to be intercepted and confiscated by the U.S. customs or postal services?

I don't know if this is the appropriate forum for these questions, but any replies would be greatly appreciated.


New member
I would think that if those things are legal in your country, it wouldn't be a problem. They're certainly not regulated here. It would be nothing more than sending you a new sweater or anything else. I wish I could be more definitive, but I'm just posting from how I think it is, but I have no basis in legality for these claims.


New member
Firearm parts including scopes and mounts require an EXPORT permit... nothing has changed because of 9-11... one was always required.... it would be a violation of ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) from someone to just mail the parts to you...