"Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering


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Here is a credible interpretation of the Palm Beach fiasco:


Errors only Occurred in Presidential Races?

Editor's Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to me by Robert Cook, PE, a
nuclear engineer, with an MS in statistical quality control, a software testing specialist
and QA manager, who has a track record for analyzing and correcting trends, errors,
and mistakes in heavy construction projects (ships, power plants, nuclear reactors,
military and aerospace vehicles, etc. for more than twenty years.

Robert Cook presents here a remarkable statistical analysis of the Palm Beach
presidential ballot controversy that deserves serious investigation. He says that the
controversial 19,120 Presidential race ballots at issue there were "destroyed by
deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a 'second punch' for Al
Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were
destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *)

"It uses simplified but wide-ranging statistical comparisons to establish beyond doubt that
democratic operatives "stole" by double-punching ballots approximately 15,000 Bush votes in
Palm Beach County; and approximately 3,400 additional Buchanan votes."