Explain this.............


New member
So Louann and I have been seeing a lot of coyote sign on this road so we set up a camera on it.

First night the cat shows up and is caught sniffing what I assume is a pile of.....well we did not notice the pile when we set up the camera but it may have been there.

And then 3 nights later we get the second picture. And if you look close you can see the first pile that the cat was sniffing over to the right.

Now we have been calling to no effect so I take this as a NA NA NA moment by the coyote but it could be simply a fluke.

In any event he looks like he is happy with himself.



Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I dunno what it is about coyotes and ranch roads. I do believe a coyote will walk a mile through a pasture to find a jeep trail in which to poop.

Cut line under the cat photo: "Yeah, I know him."


So ..... it's that dark at 3:24 PM in your neck of the woods?

I have been to the Black Forest in Germany, and it was lighter than that at 3 in the afternoon.......


New member
I had a pet coyote, the little bugger never pooped in the grass it was always in the driveway or on the porch right where you take the first step out the door. They do seem to get really low to the ground, maybe coyotes dont like it when the grass tickles their rear, who knows!

What kinda calls are you using?


New member
Black Forest.......cute..........time stamp is obviously wrong......date is right......

We've tried a couple of different mouth calls which brought in a bobcat and nothing else.

About a month ago we bought a FoxPro Spitfire remote caller. We've set up with it in 7 or 8 different spots about the property. Had owels, crows, hawks and blue jays ( could not figure the blue jays out ) come to it.

If anything else came in it did so in such a way as to have busted us before we ever saw it.

It has been kind of frustrating sense we know there are more than a few coyotes out there and they need to be thinned.

I've thought about carrying fish guts from work out and making a couple of piles out in the clearcut areas to see if that will draw them. What's stoped me is that we have bears and I don't know how that would play out.

I actually spoke to the FWC Lt. that is in charge of our area about getting a gun & light permit just a couple of days ago. He said that it was easy and that they encouraged the killing of the coyotes. But then he pointed out that they were not all that much easier to call in at night from what he has seen.


New member
I assumed the coyotes pooped in the trails to mark their territory. I have a trail about two miles long that I keep mowed for walking. It seems to have a new pile of hair filled dung in it every few days, right smack in the middle.


New member
Like cornbush said try the pup in distress and dont forget their eyes, ears, and nose. I went calling with my brother a while back, took him to my hotspot and couldnt figure out why we werent seeing any. Then it dawned on me, my brothers gf smoked in his pickup before they broke up. That little bit of residual smoke smell ruined our hunting for the day.


New member
I assumed the coyotes pooped in the trails to mark their territory. I have a trail about two miles long that I keep mowed for walking. It seems to have a new pile of hair filled dung in it every few days, right smack in the middle.
I believe that's exactly what it is. I'm no biologist but I remember reading an article a few years back about coyotes and wolves doing this very thing. They intentionally poop in a highly visible area as part of territory marking.


New member
Yep, it is marking his territory! That road is likely a territory border. You may be able to get a reaponse after you spray a bit of coyote urine along the road. Like Nathaniel pointed out, make sure you consider the coyotes eyes, ears & nose! If you work the wind in your favor you can smoke at the stand if it wern't for the smoke movement. Set up with a crosswind where you can see the downwind side. Keep perfectly still & perfectly quite. A decoy will help keep thier attention while you get ready for the shot! I use the MOJO Critter & love it! It is about $40 & well worth it! With the Foxpro, turn on a rabbit, rodent or woodpecker in distress on low at first. Just incase you snuck in on one. Let it run for about a min & then sit and watch! If you see nothing in about 3-5 min Run it for another min at a higher volume & repeat! IF, a coyote hears the call it WILL at the least come check out the scene! I have shot a coyote that regurgitated half a rabbit! They also have up to a 25 square mile territory! So it may be a timming issue. I read where they will sometimes have a 2 or 3 day pattern. Stick with it & it will happen! Good luck!

Coyote WT

New member
As a fan of Coyote's trickster spirit nature I like the idea of the na na nana na game. I don't hunt coyotes yet (it is something I intend to do at some point) but it seems like they're pretty good at the subtle art of snubbing their nose at the hunter. Wonder if they learned it from that damn road runner?


New member
I appreciate the insight.

There is a big chop about 500 yards to the NE of where the picture was taken. We've tried that place twice with no luck. Will try it again though......with the better information.

May be that our worst error was in how we used the call. Let it run to much.......

We did have a feather on a stick wafting about out there but I looked up the MOJO Critter and that thing looks like it would really keep their attention.

Will be giving it a try here in the next week or so........

Big Shrek

New member
Take a baby out with you. NOTHING brings in 'yotes like a baby crying.

The smell of milk...new baby skin...it draws 'em in like flies :)

Wife gets perturbed about it...but she'd rather have dead 'yotes than a chewed-on baby.
At least I use headphones on the kids to keep their ears safe ;)


New member
The puppy distress call works very well when you add in some crow calls too, make it sound like a mob of crows are pickin' on an injured pup.


New member
Yep, pups are in the oven & getting ready to hit the ground soon so the pup in distress should work wonders. Although I have found they can't really resist it any time of the year! If not its to protect it then its to eat it! bswiv educate me a bit here. What are you refering to when you say "a big chop"? @ Big Shrek - if you tell me your wife runs a day care I am going to have a few questions!!:eek::p;)


New member
"chop" .......a recent clearcut. One that may have even already been bedded and planted but in which the new pines have not gotten big enough to where you can not shoot across it.

We've got a few areas like that now, maybe 360 acres total spread across 6 or 7 spots. With the woods as thick as they are the chops, roads and one powerline easement seem to be our best places to try calling.


New member
Thanks for the explanation. I have never heard it refered to has that. The planted pines make great cover for the predators!


New member
Bswiv please keep us updated on any progress! It was a great week end to get out this weekend temperature wise anyway, although the wind got a bit strong at times. Good luck!