Experts call for common North America border


New member
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States, Canada and Mexico should establish a common security perimeter to guard against terrorism in North America, a tri-national independent task force said in a report released on Tuesday.

The countries should police their borders together to help border trade, allow easier movement of citizens and to keep out potential security threats, the task force said at New York's Council on Foreign Relations.

"If our two borders, the one between Canada and the United States and the U.S. and Mexico, became a frontline for security the impact that would have on normal relations and economic relations would be profound," said co-chairman John Manley, a former Canadian deputy prime minister and minister of finance.

The task force was sponsored by private groups in each of the three countries including the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, and there was no indication that governments would act on the proposals.

The report, titled "Building a North American Community," also called for free movement within the continent for citizens through a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers and other measures to increase economic and military cooperation between the countries.

William Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts, and Pedro Aspe, former finance minister of Mexico, were the other co-chairmen of the task force, comprised of over 20 experts from government, business and academia.

Manley contrasted the scrutiny of goods flowing between Canada and the United States with a lax attitude to imports arriving at shipping ports.

"As I told my one-time U.S. counterpart (U.S. Homeland Security chief) Tom Ridge once, 'You inspect a grain car entering the U.S. from Saskatchewan closer than you do container traffic coming into the United States from the Middle East.' And I think that's still the case."

Other recommendations included improving labor mobility, developing an energy strategy with greater emphasis on reducing harmful emissions and establishing an investment fund to build infrastructure to connect Mexico's poorer regions in the South to the market of the North.


New member
One more reason that the US of A should annex Mexico and make it our 52nd state. Then we could do the same to Canada for 53rd.

The border would be easier to contol down by Honduras and such. With the imposition of American legal system the ability to control the Oligarchs in Mexico would improve. And think of all the campesinos, who would just love to have the ability to have firearms to enhance their discussions of the redistributions of their labor.


New member
Yesterday I listened to a NPR report on the new chief of police of Nuevo Laredo just across the Mexican border. They have been without a chief for awhile, they have had several chiefs in the last few years.

He was sworn in at 3pm and they shot him 30+ times at 10 pm. He said he would fight corruption – I guess the corruption wins again.

Depending on Mexico for security!!!!!!! They are out of their minds
:eek: :barf: :eek: :barf:


a tri-national independent task force said in a report released on Tuesday.
Like they just came out with it ;)

These guys are merely marketing it to a wider audience; Bush, Fox, and Martin had this sewn up awhile back ;) ......

"It may look like war but it's peacekeeping" - Lt. Gen. Babacar Gaye of Senegal, U.N. force commander in Congo.


New member
I say, we should annex both countries and call it good :D

Serriously, due to stupidity in the war of 1812, and pure idiocy during the Mexican-American war of the 1840's, we now have two very hostile countries on each border. Could have kept Mexico...


New member
He was sworn in at 3pm and they shot him 30+ times at 10 pm. He said he would fight corruption – I guess the corruption wins again.

How did that happen? I thought they couldn't have guns in mexico.



Good article; and it is clear enough just how much momentum - both political and monetary - this Pan American state agenda has gathered up. It is very important that enough people understand this and oppose this before it becomes unstoppable.


New member
Maybe it's the knee-jerk reaction to an ever increasing phobia of China, an alleged behemoth that frightens the "little" guys


New member
My understanding is that their shooting sucked; they shot between 30 and 45 rounds but only hit the guy three times. Poor SOB never even got a chance to pull his gun. He was shot while sitting in his brand new King Ranch Ford pickup.


New member
"One more reason that the US of A should annex Mexico "

WHAT?? you want to support ALL of those moochers? you talk about crippling our economy, that would surely do it.