Experience With Thompson Center Encore 12 Guage Turkey Shotgun

Adventurer 2

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and or opinions.
I've been thinking about getting a dedicated turkey shotgun.
I was wondering if anyone knows how this shotgun patterns?
I own more than one shotgun so I don't need it to do anything other than shoot turkey, but, I was wondering if there are replacement chokes available. I couldn't find any on the TC site. Thinking a more open choke would make it possible to shoot smoothbore slugs. I'm good with the single shot aspect - I've never taken more than one shot on a Turkey anyhow (can't say the same for other birds though).

Adventurer 2

New member

I called TC Customer Service about other chokes for the shotgun - was given a list of brands that would work with the TC Encore.

I couldn't find much information on this shotgun but decided to buy it anyway.
I also bought a cylinder choke (buckshot and slugs).
Short, light, already camouflaged, sling swivels, sights -
Took it to the shotgun range in order to pattern. The break open single shot brought back good memories of my first shotgun - a single shot, break open, 410.
I hunt turkey sitting up against a tree and place the barrel on my knee - sat down, loaded a 3", 2oz, #4 shotshell, fiber optic sights were glowing, exhaled, squeezed the trigger
Oh Mama - thumped me good, rattled my teeth - shot was tight but high and left. Adjusted sight, loaded another round, mentally prepared for that recoil, pulled the trigger - that kind of hurts, tight shot still high and left. Repeat adjustments.
7 shots later - shot is centered but still high - no more elevation adjustment left - I am going to have to put the taller front sight (came with the shotgun) on.
Changed choke, loaded up 1oz slug - pulled the trigger - slug is centered but low, repeat 2 more times, tight group but all low.

Put turkey choke back in - move target out to 45 yards, last shot - pattern should be a kill at 45 yards. I have never shot a turkey this far out and probably never will but it is good to know.

I think I can shoot just as well with my 870 bead sight but the TC makes me smile (past memories something about a single shot). I plan on getting a muzzleloader barrel before deer season.

Adventurer 2

New member
I need to update the above post. Finally replaced the front sight for a taller one. Went back out to zero the shotgun (brought a laser rangefinder). What I had been told was 45 yards was a lasered 39 1/2 yards. 5 1/2 yards at that range is a big difference.
I zeroed at 30 yards. Zeroing this light shotgun has been the most unpleasant zero I have ever done. Glad to be done with it. Standing the recoil is not bad, but I can't zero anything standing. Sitting or prone hurts after a couple of turkey loads. I can't see me ever spending the money for a lead sled but if I knew someone that had one I would beg to borrow it.
Turkey season has been going on for awhile where I live and I am finally going to participate this week.


New member
For a dedicated turkey gun, you can't get something small and cute and expect not to experience heavy recoil. Can you add some mass to that little puppy (a barrel clamp-on or in-the-stock mercury filled unit) ?

Adventurer 2

New member
I don't know what options are available to reduce that recoil other than what I have already done - replaced the stock pad with a limbsaver. In the past, I have never had to zero a shotgun as all of my shotguns have had bead sights. Prior to buying this shotgun, I had only ever fired a total of two, 2 oz, turkey loads in a day to fill two tags. Live and learn - as it is, I can suck up one or two, 2 oz, shots during turkey season without becoming a flinchopotamus. If I had to sight it in again I would get one of those shotgun pads for my shoulder. I am going to keep the TC because there are other barrels I want to get for it. If I did it over, I think my ideal turkey only shotgun would be a sighted, heavier, semi-auto.
We have did some test work with them. They work just will hit you about as hard as it hits the target. LOL Now I think that you will find that the Rem will do a better job and so will some of the other ones that are on the market. That said the gun is a good gun just kick you so hard that you cant take much of it. LOL:eek:
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New member
Adventurer 2 said:
I think my ideal turkey only shotgun would be a sighted, heavier, semi-auto.
Good thinking. But, you don't have to dedicate the gun. Just get a turkey barrel and a camo sock. If you plan to go with an optical sight, choose a barrel with an integral cantilever scope mount.


New member
If you thought that smarted, buy the rifled 12 g barrel and try it! I wish I would have bought my rifled slug barrel in 20 gauge! I would gladly trade someone my barely used 12 gauge slug barrel for a 20 gauge!
Nice. But As for the kick the one we had sent in had a soft check rap on it. That would help some what with the gun hitting the side of your pace. I think everybody should have to shoot one of them at least one time.:p
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New member
I have one of those Neoprene wrap shotgun shell holders on mine. I leave it on and use it to hold speedloaders for the muzzleloader. You are absolutely correct in that it DOES help! I leave it on whether I'm using it or not!