Exotic frame color


New member
I suppose a great many of you have seen the Kel-Tec frames that come in an assortment of colors. I especially find the pink one a bit on the edge. I'd be curious to know what you folks think of exotic colors for frames. Do any other manufacturers make multiple color frames? I am not aware of any.


New member
Charles Daly had multiple color options for their CZ knock-off.
As for exotic colors - black may go with everything, and a little black number that you can take anywhere is handy, as any woman will testify, but sometimes you need to express.:p


New member
Thinking about sending in my Desert Eagle...

For this frame color:




New member
I'm thinking STI did a good bit of colored frames. Tripp Research also did coloring on Glock polymer frames, but I'm not sure if they are still doing this process. I believe there was some concern on the durability of the finish on the frames.

About as exotic as I want to get is Olive Drab. Although not an exotic frame, I have seen some damascus steel 1911 slides that were absolutely beautiful. I'd like to see a frame that way.

Good SHooting

Jason Demond

New member
I think OD green and Camo would be neat. Springfield makes a OD 1911 that is real sweet.
The real bright colors should be left to Crayola!


New member
My wife like the red and blue frames on the training Glocks. She thinks they should sell those on the real guns. :(


New member
Arent there laws in some states about the color of real guns and toy guns?

Seems that if you made a day-glo orange Glock, people would think it was a toy and ignore it - you could probably wear one on your hip and not make too much commotion....


New member
No, I like 'em

Whats that from? The Mujahadeen Malibu Barbie set?


Anyhow - I'm not crazy about the Kel Tec P32 color palette generally, the olive drab color looks !sharp! That will absolutely be my next purchase.

S&W makes an OD model also... looks pretty nice.

OTOH, the P32 in ivory / denim / whatever look awful. It's bad enugh the gun looks like a toy as it is, but candy colors just make 'em look goofy. Maybe you can get the bad guy to laugh himself to death?

I think I saw a hot pink .45 in the CDNN catalog. Hmmm.


New member
High Standard once offered colored frame revolvers for ladies. back in the 60's-70's.

I have an old American Handgunner magazine article about the pre-bankruptcy Springfield Armory offering color coatings for firearms. They showed red, white, and blue; gold, OD, and one 1911 colored candy apple red resting in a box of apples.

The article included a story about some guy who had his home defense AK-47 coated with hot pink. He figured if he had to use it on some bad guy, no lawyer could hold the AK up in court and claim it was an "evil assault weapon". The jury would laugh him out of court.