Excellent day at the range - New Convert!

Charles Johnson

New member
My brother and I finally got his girlfriend (Jill) to go to the range with us Saturday. She had never touched a gun before (actually I disassembled my Glock once to show her how a gun functions and she held the frame, trembling). We started her on a youth sized Marlin single shot .22 rifle. After she realized it wouldn't blow up in her face, she got a little more comfortable.

Next was my wife's AR-15. Jill was very apprehensive because of the noise level with the AK muzzle break. But we figured the light recoil would be easy for her to handle. She loved it! But then my brother started trying to talk her into shooting my 30-06. I was very concerned that this would be too much, but my brother told me to trust him. Well, she shot the 30-06, and to my surprise, she loved it even more that the AR15! There was no stopping her after that. She shot the remainder of my '06 ammo, then we moved over to the shotgun range. She handled both of my 12 ga scatterguns without a problem. My brother hadn't shot skeet before, so they both started a little slowly. But that didn't last long. By the time they finished shooting all my ammo, they were shooting doubles and breaking every target. It was actually kinda spooky because they would shoot at the same time, like they had been shooting together for years.

Finally we went to the handgun range. She actually shot the handguns better than my brother, but I'm still way ahead of her here ;).

She was always very safe with her firearm handling. I had to remind her a coupla times to keep her finger off the trigger until ready to shoot on handguns (but she always had it pointer downrange). The day's only mishap occurred when my wife suggested Jill shoot some stationary targets before trying the skeet. I had just finished showing Jill how to load the shotgun, so I started to unload it so we could go downrange. I had my finger in the receiver trying to get a shell out when my brother jumped over the fence and walked downrange (right where the muzzle was pointing)! This surprised me and I bumped the action release button. The extractor took a chunk out of my finger - getting bitten by a Beretta hurts! Fortunately my other finger was off the trigger (as it always is when I'm not shooting). My brother and the nearest surgeon might have had a very bad day had I not been practicing safe firearms handling. Needless to say my brother will control his excitement better next time - I gave him a pretty good scolding.

So when we were finally done, Jill was very excited about her newfound sport. She shot more of a variety of guns in one day than I shot in 3 years. To recap, she shot a Marlin .22, Bushmaster AR-15, Steyr Prohunter 30-06, Beretta AL391 12ga, Remington 870 12ga, *&* 5906, HK USP9c, and Glock 17. I wish I had started that way! 100% of her fear and apprehension was gone as soon as she let the first '06 round go. So needless to say, the 30-06 was her favorite, followed by the Beretta. :)


New member
Heh - Took a friend shooting a few years ago - After a few guns had been taught and tried, I asked her which one she liked...

"The one that kicks."

Okay - tossed the .38 special wimp loads back in the can, and ended up shooting a few hundred .45s...


New member
The creation of another Second Amendment disciple! Good work.

When introducing my wife to handguns I used the disassembled gun technique and it worked pretty well. It seems to clarify just exactly when a gun is dangerous and why. It is also helpful in explaining how the safeties work.

Charles Johnson

New member
Originally posted by SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI:
Guess your brother will have to get her a Garand now.
It's funny that you mention that. I wanted them to go this past weekend 'cause my brother's birthday was last week and I've been thinking about getting him a gun. Since they are inseparable, I wanted her to go in the hope she'd really enjoy it and so I could get a good idea of what would be a good choice.

I'm thinking about getting him(them) a Remington 870 Express Super Magnum (on firing a 3" Magnum slug, he emitted a very loud WHOOOOOHOOOO!, so I figured the ability to shoot 3 1/2"ers might satisfy this big, recoil-INsensitive brother of mine). The next best choices would be a Marlin lever action in 45/70 or a Savage 10FP in .308 or 30-06. Since I don't have anything like the Marlin, maybe that's the way I should go :). But if I get the shotgun, they could shoot skeet without me tagging along or borrowing my guns. Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions... ;)

BTW, the Garand will be mine one day... :)


Staff Emeritus
Somebody must be pickin'!
'Cause I sure am a-grinnin'! :D :d

Congratulations, Charles. (And thank you!)