Examples of helping our cause


New member
There are a lot of different threads going on now involving our rights and threats to them. I personally believe the best thing we can do to help our cause is to grow our numbers. Educating people about firearms is the best defensive (and offensive) tool we have.

I believe the majority of people in this country, who are not "pro gun" are in the middle of the gun debate. Most are not really huge "antis" they are just uneducated.

If we can get the people stuck in the middle (even better the occasional anti) to see the light then we will go a long way to perserving our rights.

For a change of pace, I would like to hear stories of how you took someone and introduced them to guns and helped learn the truth about them.

I will start with the brother of my best friend growing up. I grew up in a hunting family. We were not big on handguns, CCW, and defense, but we hunted. My best friend's family did not. They were not for or against guns, they were indifferent.

Recently, as I approach 40, I have had a few debates over the years with this gentleman. His brother (my closest friend) works in an enviroment that puts him into rough neighborhoods. He has his CCW and owns 2 guns. While not a "gun person" like most of use, he understands the need for personal protection. His brother has always viewed guns as adding to the dangers of society and causes more harm than good.

A few months back he was in town on business and over dinner, we talked about some stress that was going on in his life (divorce, $, ect). I suggested he go to the range with me as a stress relief. He was not too excited about it, but he trusted me enough to know we would be safe. I finally convienced him that it couldn't hurt and if he did not enjoy it he was not obligated to go back.

Long story short he had a blast. He said he laughed and smiled for the first time in months. We shot everything from my Single Six to a 9mm.

He called me not long after looking for advise on what would be a good gun to learn on and eventually take his 10 year old son out to bond.

Needless to say it made my day.


New member
Great story, thanks for sharing it.

I find people fear what they do not understand or have not experienced. Get them through that, and the fear disappears.


New member
I agree wholeheartedly!

A couple months ago we took our youth group shooting. The boys are always up for that but this time the girls specifically requested that they get to go. Between the girls and their leaders we had at least 8 shoot for the very first time. And they all had a great time. Mostly I had them shooting a .22 semi-auto and a .22 revolver. Near the end I pulled out a 9mm and let anyone try it that wanted to. Several of the first time shooters tried it and liked it including the smallest girl there. I was amazed and impressed. She was the first to step up and want to try it and she did really well. The 9mm was a 1911 which I'm sure was one reason they liked it. :)

Next week I'm going out to a girls camp to help run a rifle range. It's the same range I help run a couple times a year with boy scouts and explorers. We often get new shooters among the boy scouts. We especially get new shooters among the girls in the explorer posts. One girl I coached last year listened intently and then proceeded to tear the center out of the target. I'm not sure who was grinning bigger, me or her! :) So I can't hardly wait for next Thursday to come. We're bound to have a bunch of new shooters plus girls listen and follow instructions so much better than the boys do!

I'm also going to get to take a friend from work shooting sometime soon. He's never even touched a gun in his life. I happened to be talking to him a couple days ago and the subject came up so I offered to take him to the range.

One person at a time. That's how we do it. Educate them a little bit at a time. Soon they'll be hooked like us. :D


New member
Several years ago I had shared my feelings about guns, the 2A, and the concept of personal defense with a middle aged woman who worked with me. Shortly afterwards she convinced her husband to go with her to a gun store range and try out "this shooting thing" I had talked about. She and her husband, neither of whom had ever fired any gun prior to that day, so enjoyed themselves that they bought two handguns immediately. They have since become extremely vocal pro-gun, pro 2A supporters, and have introduced multiple fellow workers and non-work friends into the shooting community. Just as I have enjoyed certain experiences but not felt the passion for really pursueing them, such as making a few parachute jumps, trying soaring (gliders), etc., I have helped some folks overcome their fear of guns and helped them feel safe having a gun for home defense. They may not ever read forums such as this one, might go to a range once a year or less, but they now are part of the population that would strongly oppose any infringement upon their ability to own and keep a gun for personal protection. Ironically, while I have helped both of my sons-in-law become 2A supporters, both of my sons are anti-gun, including one that was a street cop for a few years. Go figure.


New member
There are a lot of different threads going on now involving our rights and threats to them. I personally believe the best thing we can do to help our cause is to grow our numbers. Educating people about firearms is the best defensive (and offensive) tool we have.

I believe the majority of people in this country, who are not "pro gun" are in the middle of the gun debate. Most are not really huge "antis" they are just uneducated.

If we can get the people stuck in the middle (even better the occasional anti) to see the light then we will go a long way to perserving our rights.

I think the other thing that would help the cause is to leave political affiliation out of the debate. all too often it's about the Right versus the Left and this means more partisan bickering that accomplishes nothing. gun owners, Republican, Democrat, Independent or whatever, need to come together rather than continue to tear each other down imo


New member
I have a SIL that is? an anti...I started his two daughters shooting (11 and 13) when they were up to visit us a while ago...their mom said it was ok when they were here,,,dad was not with them.

Dad heard and flipped out...no more shooting!!! ect, ect...blah blah...well, they are his (and my daughters) kids, so I let them sort it out...

Everyone, including the dad, will be here for Labor day weekend...The dad has relented, the kids can shoot again...I'm going to try my best to get dad to shoot too...

I have some Metalic Silhouette's, and probably a bunch of water ballons...we'll see. .22 rifle and 22 pistol for starts.