Examples of 2A advocacy that worked


New member
Okay folks, more than one thread recently has talked about "nothing I'm doing is working", I'm even guilty of it myself. How about we get that out of our system, and start deliberately copying any strategy that is having success?
I've had limited success helping people understand that governments taking guns away from their citizens has never succeeded in saving lives, it just changes the weapons used instead. I've also had limited success in helping people understand that it generally leads to government suppression of the people. I'm not happy with my results, tell me, what will work better? It can be 1:1 strategies, it could be we all have to band together somehow. What have you actually seen work?


New member
My method when reason doesn't work...invite the person to go shooting. Most of the time, they figure if they go, it will just confirm their stereotypes of gun owners. Most of the time, they're surprised to find out that it isn't the case. I've personally converted two people. Both strict anti-gunners, that now own several guns and shoot regularly.

I'm a grass roots kind of guy. :)


Marion Hammer; Florida, Richmond VA exile laws....

I would suggest doing research or maybe networking/contacting Florida's great Marion Hammer. She was a former NRA president & is well connected with Florida politics/elected officials.
Her group & her direct efforts-hard work did a lot of + things for armed citizens & license holders in Florida.
Florida residents by law have 90 days to get concealed licenses, records are not open source or available to the general public or media, concealed licenses are now valid for 7 years not 5, and gun owners/W license holders can not be sued or have civil actions if they are cleared by the Florida States Atty in a lethal force event. :D
VA has the exile laws which with the NRA & ILA helped make felons with gun crimes do serious time. The laws made Richmond VA safer since the early 1990s.
For details see; www.nra.org www.mylicensesite.com www.floridafirearmslaw.com .



New member
Thanks guys, good advice.
I was hoping for repeatable success.
Our greatest strength here, as I see it, is our (if you'll excuse the expression) diversity. Although we have a common interest, I think our differences are pretty obvious too.
That leads me to believe that there should be a fair amount of our members doing something in their community showing results. Their method might be transferable, at which point we could change a lot of minds.
I'll be seeing if I can get in touch with Marion Hammer Clydefrog. If it works I'll share any advice I can.


David Wong, Scott Kapas Esq...

No problem.
I understand your point but bear in mind, I don't know of these people on a personal level only what is open source or open to the public. ;)

Other well known sources may be www.gunlawguide.com www.floridafirearmslaw.com . Atty David Wong wrote a guide to gun & knife laws. He also did articles about HR218/LEOSA(the LE officer safety act) which grants retired-former sworn LE officers the way to carry firearms nationwide.
Jon Gutmacher Esq, wrote the Florida Firearms Guide. He's based in Winter Park Florida near Orlando.

Scott Kappas(check spelling) puts out the Travellers Guide To Firearms Law. He may assist too.



New member
I have stopped several anti gun people dead in their tracks by just asking them to get of their butts and just once and for all-really drag it out now-everyone just OUTLAW murder and armed robbery and ALL GUN CRIMES. Make it illegal! I stopped one live radio shop for about 45 seconds-not a sound. Then I said see, criminals just don't obey laws.
In the 10 years I've been doing it, taking someone to the range and letting them shoot an AR15 has been the most effective means of conversion I've seen. I try to plan it firsthand so they can see for themselves some common myths ("high powered", effectiveness of "spray fire", accuracy of the system, times on self-defense target compared to other firearms etc.)

Most people, even gun people, have a lot of ignorance about guns and fearing what we don't know is a usual response. Taking someone shooting does two important things:

1. It helps them become informed and banishes the ignorance/fear
2. It makes them aware of how bad news coverage on firearms is and gets them to start questioning some of the BS masquerading as journalism.


New member
I'll go a bit deeper.

You cannot reason with the unreasonable.

People who think guns are evil will keep on believing that no matter what evidence you show them. Offer to take them shooting, and let them experience it first hand, and almost immediately you can watch them questioning their beliefs on guns.

One of the best things is taking an arrogant anti-gunner who thinks he knows all about guns to the range, and seeing the smile on their face within minutes of firing that "evil black piece of metal." It doesn't always work, but it's FAR more effective than arguing and trying to speak a trump card to them. The ultimate trump card is giving them trigger time...and you don't have to speak a word.


New member
This is exactly what I was hoping for.
So has anybody seen or been a part of some sort of event that invited members of the press (ideally more than one at a time) to come and shoot at a local range?


New member
Just to add to the above, it seems like it would be amazing if you could set up multiple targets in an HD scenario, deliberately invite reporters who had no firearms experience, hand them an AR platform rifle, have them engage the multiple targets.
Then hand them a SxS shotgun(like Joe Biden has mentioned) with heavy buckshot loads and have them run the same course, afterwards asking them what would be easier for them to use in that situation.