Everyone needs a copy of this!

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New member
Since there has been much discussion on the subject, and my wife works in the medical care profession, I'm always asking her questions on the subject. Well I guess she finally got tired of the questions she thinks are "dumb". She bought me this book while she was out today. I suggest everyone get their copy now. I'll be sure to pass on all vital information to you guys. Hopefully this book will give us the final answer as to what caliber is the best for such an event.


Please don't take this seriously :D


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New member
I don't think that's any way to talk about the President of the United States. But, on second thought, that book could be useful.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
On 10 October 2005, the General Discussion forum instituted a general prohibition on threads with the topics of:

  • The End Of The World As We Know It (AKA: TEOTWAWKI)
  • **** Hit The Fan (AKA: SHTF) and last but not least ...
  • Zombies

The above is from Buds Read Me at the top of the forum.

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