ever wanna chew glass? Gun related...


Staff In Memoriam
CSI miami (wifle likes it, NOT ME!!!) is investigating a "hit". In morgue a "drag stabilized projectile" (dart like) is found in the "vic"... Comes from an "underwater assault rifle" as they flash scene to past tense, they show diver aiming an AK variant under water shooting the vic who is on the gunnel of a yacht!!!!:mad: That is a "cake taker" there!


New member
There is an AK varient that can shoot underwater I think.But Im not sure what kind of projectile it fires.


Staff In Memoriam
Well spank my butt and call me sally!:eek:
the one in the show seemed to be a standard type ak with wood furniture.
I do doubt the accuracy of aiming from under water to a target many feet above water... the optical distortion is high. I have tried to shoot far too many fish or spear them and missed by a mile to think it is any different from water to air...


New member

I think he's ready for the deep end...


Shucks, my reply is useless now. Why you gotta go solving your own problems? Don't you know that in this day and age a taxpayer's sposta do it for you?
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Double J

New member
Outch!! Poor guy must have forgot his ear plugs. Concussion caused him to go blind and popped his belly button out!

But he's happy.