ever pull and or fire your cc gun??


New member
Did any of you ever have to pull and or fire your cc gun? If so what happen to the bg and when the Police came?

Ben Shepherd

New member
DITTO, Mike Irwin. VERY tense situation, Didn't like it much, as I was hiking alone in a wilderness area, and it was 3:1 odds.


New member
Yes, many years ago. It was just a few weeks after the riots in LA. I was on my way to pick up my son from his mom's house in east LA . Ran into guys stripping car on a dark secluded street. Resolved without shooting...thank GOD!


New member
I was in my vehicle at a stop light, when a BG headed towards my vehicle with a bad attitude and threatened to cut me IIRC "long, wide and continuous". I showed my weapon and he suddenly realized the wisdom of the saying "Never bring a knife to a gun fight." He turned around, the light changed and I left.


New member
drew and fired on a snake while dove hunting near a pond.

Never on a person though I have been in situations that got tense and I felt the hand moving closer to the pistol without totally realizing it.


New member
I pulled mine when some guy tried to enter my car. When he realized that I wasn't going to shoot him so long as he wasn't entering my car he started taunting me until the car in front of me cleared the exit and I was able to drive away. I went straight home (about an eighth of a mile) grabbed a cordless phone and called 911 . It turned out that the other guy also called 911. He claimed that I pulled a gun on him for no reason.

I opened my trunk, cleared my pistol and placed it in the trunk. When the first officer responded (we knew each other from a National Guard unit we had served in together) he had me stand away from the car, verified that it was cleared and asked me what happened. When a second (and third) officer arrived he drove over to where the other guy was telling his story. He claimed that he never attempted to get into my car and that I just pulled my gun for no reason. When he couldn't explain how his fingerprints could be found on my car, his story changed. Neither of us were arrested because I was acting within my right of self-defense and I didn't think pressing charges against him would make his wife (who was with him at the time) want to kill him any more than she already wanted to.

If he had gotten that door open it would have been much uglier for all involved.

I'm glad that I have the habit of keeping my doors locked when driving.

urban assault

New member
I have pulled twice to stop a problem, but thankfully never had to fire. I was scared the first time, literally knees knocking, second time was much calmer and smooth. Glad I didnt have to kill those people. Police said I was within my rights to pull and shoot both times. A gun goes with me everywhere.



New member
blades, and the rest of you guys, that had to be a tough, tense moment. I know some of the guys here are LEO's and you are prepared for this, but I know I could do it if it was a matter of life and death for me or a family member. God, when that time does come (I hope never) I hope I can make the right decission.:)

Joe Demko

New member
Many years ago, when I was an impetuous yoot, I hitchhiked down the east coast. A gentleman who had given me a ride required the sight of my handgun to convince him 1) to get his hand off my crotch and 2) to let me out of the car. He'd been rather insistent up to that point.
On another occasion, I was lost in Cleveland. I was at a stoplight and a dreadlocked individual who had been standing on the corner ranting at the sky came over to my car spouting obscenities. It was summer and I had the windows down. As he reached for the door handle, I produced a Beretta Model 21A. The sight of even that little gun convinced him he still had urgent ranting to do on his corner.
Some years later, I made the mistake of using an ATM in the wee hours of the morning. I heard the overpriced basketball shoes running up behind me. I forearmed that young man, knocking him flat on his back, and drew my makarov. I covered him with it long enough to retrieve my ATM card and beat it out of there. I often wonder if they ever happened to watch the security tape fromthat machine.

Ben Shepherd

New member
One of them claimed to have a sprained ankle. When I went over to assist he got up grinning, and I realized the other two had me flanked. I pulled the gun, and told them to start moving. They tried to tell me they were just kidding. YEAH, RIGHT!!!!

Anyway I told them to go one way, I'd go the other. As soon as I got to a phone I called the local cops and told them what happened. They said they were glad I came out OK, but if the other side called in, I'd have to come in and make a statement.
They never called me back.

I can't believe they were stupid enough they didn't try a 3:1 this guy pulled a gun on us stunt.

But by the looks on thier faces, I think some wayward youth were steered back to the straight and narrow.
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New member
Never from concealed but I did have to pull one at my house one time.


I just got home from the range and was cleaning on of my pistols when I heard a car in my alley stopped behind my house. I grabbed my 44 and went to my backyard. A mexican guy was in my yard and when he saw me he started to run AT me. As soon as I lifted my gun he took off. Never saw the car.


New member
did ever pull or fire

:) Amusing story is when I was checking out of a motel early in the morning on my way to work.
There were two young men with hunting/ski masks over their head in the front lobby. I remarked I didn't know it was deer season in August in Tn. And I have a hat just like that one. DUH:eek: I sure was stupid, then a saw the automatic pistol when he raised his hand to move the mask up to warn his partner. :confused: I dashed out of there as quick as I could, retrieved my S&W .44 Special and grabbed my Sig 226 too. I did not want to go back, but I was scared the poor night clerk would get shot as they left. It all happened so fast. They saw this stupid white man was coming back with TWO shooters and they ran like hell.
The funny thing the clerk chewed my a@# for not stopping them or shooting them. I told him to be satisfied he was alright. I left before the police showed up.:(
From that point on, I always utilize my CC permit and usually with 2 guns, when ever I work out of town in the motels. I normally have one pistol in my hand as I unlock the truck.:D


New member
I know this is different, because I pulled a knife not a gun, but here in Kommie Kalifornia, the liberal paradise, it's very difficult to get a CCW permit. You have to be 1) liberal, 2) antigun, and 3) rich enough that you could hire an armed guard anyway, like Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer.

Anyway, I was working in downtown Oakland, returning to my car parked in an outdoor public lot late at night. When I got to the lot, the entrance was surrounded by members of a "youth organization" and I don't mean the Boy Scouts.

So I pulled out my knife and began cleaning my fingernails with it as I walked through them. They gave me some very dirty looks, but decided to wait for a less troublesome victim.

The other time was similar in that I was again returning to my car late at night. This time, a guy began to actually stalk me! I crossed the street, he crossed the street, etc. I walked out into the middle of the street (no traffic at that time of night) and pulled out my knife and began to clean my fingernails and just stood there staring at him. He walked away in the other direction.

After that, my employer paid the price to get me a parking spot in the basement of my building.

Now the Kalifornia Kommies want to outlaw knives! I guess they don't want criminals to have to be disappointed.

If the bad guys had had guns, I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. I give God all the praise for protecting me.


New member
I've only come close. I was walking in downtown Phila pretty late at night, and two guys were stalking me from the other side of the street. I'd stop, and they'd stop, I'd walk, and they'd continue, including turning two corners. Since I was still several blocks from my car, I stopped and put my hand in my pocket, wrapped around my Mustang in a pocket holster. I just stood there and kept looking at them, after a minute or so, I think thay figured out that I was probably not worth the trouble, and turned around and walked away. I'm not sure what I'd have done if I didn't have the gun, since they looked a lot younger, faster, and bigger!

Cavè Canem

New member
Never had to pull or shoot.

One time however, my wife and I were walking to our car after leaving the mall at around 9pm. On our way to the car we noticed a few young men standing around a car. At first I didn't pay any attention to them other then keeping an eye on them but after I thought about it for a second I looked to my side (we were walking past them) and they started to walk out behind us from between the cars. I pulled my wife along a little faster and hurried her along to our car, i could hear their footsteps as they started to jog to catch up. I stopped, put my wife behind me and shifted myself so my left side was facing them. Sorta a right handed modified weaver stance. I was carrying my G30 in a Galco Royal Guard at about the 4 O'clock position. I moved my right hand back and stared at them, im guessing they got the idea because they took a wide arc around my wife and I and walked off. Im not sure what their intentions were but I notified mall security and they said they had recieved a few reports of kids harrassing people. I didn't tell them I had a gun b/c one was never shown and I was taught to never offer any information that isn't asked.

Funny thing is, I hate confrontation and usually wont say or do anything to anyone, My wife was even shocked that I acted that way. Im glad I had my CCW and my G30. Gotta love the great state of VA.


New member
I think I posted this before. I was in the swamp with my dogs and a nutria, which is a creature like a giant rat, jumped up and attacked one of them biting her on the nose. I did him in with one shot from a Beretta Mod 21 .22 I was carrying and he passed on to his great reward. The dog lived but she has a scar running across her nose.