ever hear of a postal match?


New member
i never have, i just found about it today on another board. you download a target and shoot 3 groups of 5 and send it in. seems pretty cool i might try it. this one is limited to mil-surps.


New member
It's about the same as Email match's. Honor system for sure but then again if your determined to win at all costs who are you fooling anyway?

I think that there's no better way than "net" match's to improve your shooting. It gives you a reason to visit the range on a regular basis all year round.


New member
Sure. There are a number of them on the various boards. TheHighRoad.org (a site that many members of this site visit) used to have a monthly match that has gone by the way side due to lack of interest. They would come up with some kind of different fun match every month.
I really hated to see it go: it looked like a lot of fun. But, I have to admit that I didn't participate either. For a lot of the time it was going on I didn't have an operational printer, but probably the biggest reason I didn't do it was simply because I forgot about it until it was too late to submit the targets.


New member
My college team did them with other institutions of higher learning way back in the day....the day when 'puters were big things with reels and flashing lights.

The NRA had specific rules, two teams shot a specific course of fire on a specified day at their own range and mailed the results to each other.

You do remember snail mail...... :p


New member
The Cast Bullet Ass'n has had postal matches since they were founded. They mail you the targets which you return after shooting. The NRA has shot them for decades as was previously posted. They still have them to some degree in their "Qualification" program. The High Road has them every month under "competition", where you download the targets and just report back. Quantrill


I thought it was a pony the delivered your mail, Geoff?

That's gotta sting. :)

Postal matches sound like fun, and to my surprise when I learned of them, they are in fact NOT about practicing for shooting up the local post office.


New member
Sounds like fun...

Anybody want to start one? TFL staff, any interest in hosting one? I go to the range with friends all the time, but it would be fun to post results online; might make for a good introduction to competition.
