Ever have rampant FTF/stovepipe issues with Ruger Mk2 .22?


New member
This may be a fluke due to ammo design (and maybe ammo age)
Is it possible that the extremely short barrel is just not creating enough pressure to reliably function?

It's the short barrel version.


ANYHOW...... took it out this AM and pure frustration.
Every other round was not picked up from the mag.
bang click bang click, etc.

Lots of times. Brushed the chamber face with toothbrush to SOME improvement. But it would either fail to pick up a new round or it would pull one out partially to stovepipe it.

The ammo I was using....and in fact probably all I have EVER used in it is Winchester X-pediter with the flattish nose and HP.

The gun has never been what I consider my most ..reliable... piece.

NOW I am wondering about the shape of the bullet nose. :confused:

What I'm going to do is NOT clean it today and take it out again tomorrow with some Rem Golden Bullet ROUNDISH tips and see if there is any difference.

I sure hope so.

I can't remember how it worked with the CCI mini mags.

But.....long story thankfully shorter, have any of you experienced the same thing with the Ruger and ...if so... was it the 4" bbl?

thanks. :)


New member
Try some dyfferent ammo

Is it possible that the extremely short barrel is just not creating enough pressure to reliably function?
have any of you experienced the same thing with the Ruger and ...if so... was it the 4" bbl?

No sir and for the most part, mine eats anything I feed it. I have this same length barrel. There are some ammo that I do not use in my autos, One is the older truncated Rem. ThunderBolts and the other is the Federal Bulk-packs in the Grey box. It sounds like you are having a problem with your magazine. Try some CCI MiniMags or Winchester Super-X. By the way, I have the identical pistol except mine does not have the fibre-optics front sight. Whenever I hear about problem like this, My first pass is to switch ammo... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Dang!!! Definitely not normal!!!

I mean, Ruger's reputation was kind of built on the old short barreled .22!

It's been a staple for so long that there just must be something wrong with your ammo, your magazines or the gun itself. If it's the gun it must be fixable because so many of the Mark 2's have worked for so long so well that this is definitely a deficiency!

If you don't think it's the magazines give Ruger a call, their custom support should help you out.


New member
I own two Ruger Mark IIs and neither has ever behaved like you're describing, even when embarrassingly dirty. One is a 10" bull barrel and the other is a standard which I think is a 5-something" barrel. Neither seem finicky about ammo at all.
If I had to guess, I'd look at the magazine. If it is not always picking up the next round, perhaps the rounds are resting too 'deep' in the magazine.
I could also see the same possibly causing the odd grab that results in a stovepipe, are there marks on the case itself that may indicate something like that? Where it's contacting the side of the case and not the rim as it tries to pick it up?
If you have access to another magazine, I'd give that a try if using different ammo doesn't seem to remedy your troubles.
Good luck on a less frustrating day tomorrow.


New member
I tried 2 separate mags.

One was always pickier than the other.
BUT.... all with that same ammo.

I....think... it ran OK with minimags and the Rems I have work SWELL in my PPK.


ANYTHING that will run a PPK has some poop.

So I think they'll run in the Ruger, too.
We'll see tomorrow.


New member
Oh yeh. Fergot. I replaced that optic fiber sight with the stock one.



New member
Well if you still have troubles tomorrow, I'll take one for the team and take it off your hands at a ridiculously reduced price because it's obviously faulty!! :p

Again, good luck tomorrow.


New member
You might want to replace the extractor as this is very possibly the problem. They do get worn out. VQ makes a very fine replacement that is better than the OEM part or you can buy the OEM part for just a couple of bucks at shopruger.com. I would do this before I tried much of anything else.


New member
my bet will be ammo, unless the gun wasn't fired much, then I would suspect ammo and possibly magazine.

I now "prep" new Ruger mags with sandpaper to take the sharp corners off. It reduces the feeding issues before they fully break in.

My gun is very reliable, but hates hollow points or any flat nose type bullet.

Ammo it is. Try the CCIs and smile.

Good luck



New member
Woops, forgot.
Extractor ..is..replaced.

If it's the ammo, I'm gonna have a tossup whether to be pissed or pleased.;)


New member
Replace the recoil spring assembly. had the same problems many years ago with my Standard until I changed the out the old (weakened) recoil spring and replaced it with a new unit.

Next (if you haven't done so already), try a different mag after you have replaced the recoil spring.
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New member
After years of flawless performance, mine started doing it frequently. Determined it was due to the original (27yo) magazine springs being worn out. Newer mags resulted in seamless performance. I gotta pick up replacement springs to get them old magazines back into the rotation.:rolleyes:


New member
I can relate. I've shot a couple thousand rounds out of my MKIII and hardly remember when I've been able to fire a complete mag without a FTF FTE issue. I've tried probably 10 different types of ammo and find it does better with hotter rounds.

I love the gun but it's time for me to call Ruger and ask for their help.


New member
Try the CCI Mini Mags before you do anything else. CCI is the only reliable ammo I've had lately. Win, Fed and Rem all have a lot of failures.


New member
I had one that was SO unreliable I took a Dremel tool and reduced it to a pile of smaller junk parts and deep sixed the whole thing. I replaced it with a Buckmark.

I like Ruger and own several. My 22 semi auto was an all day trainwreck every time I took it to the range.


New member


AM MO !!!

I had SO MUCH Win ammo bought back when it was cheap and never stopped using it.
Of course every other gun et it just fine.

Took out old Marky today and blasted rapid fire, slow fire, limp wrist....everything.

And it worked just SWELL !!:)

Now I have about 350 or so Winchester truncated HPs to lever thru my 9422.
They ARE accurate.
But the ROOGER don't like em.

I could also FEEL the difference in recoil.
(you know how punishing that RAW rimfire recoil can be :D)

FELT like about 1/2 to 3/4 of the "push" from the Rem Golden Bullets.