Ever feel that your shooting habits change as you age?


New member
I had an interesting conversation with an older friend of mine after school today who is also a very good shooting friend of mine and used to shoot with me when I was a little kid. We were talking about our shooting habits and how much they seem to have changed over time. I can remember when I started out, it wasn't really all that fun at first because I was always doing something wrong and getting corrected on it. Such as bad muzzle control or keeping my finger on the trigger when not ready to shoot. You know, things like that. Then as we get older, it seems that the mentors we shoot with don't correct us no more even if we exhibit the same behavior we did as little kids. Also I remember as a kid that I wasn't allowed to rapid fire any semi-auto. Nowadays, I rapid fire all the time and nobody says anything. In fact I get complimented a lot on how not only I can shoot quick, but also actually hit what I'm aiming at.

So anyways, the friend I was talking with was then telling me that he's been reverting back to when he was a little kid and was being much more serious when shooting. Such as taking his time to shoot and just shooting paper rather than cans or other fun reactive targets we used to shoot. I know I am still young and I hate being told that by older people, but my friend told me that I am going to be just like him and grow out of my type of shooting I do.

I certainly hope that's not true. I don't get to shoot "real" guns as often as I used to what with school, work, and taking care of Maser Jr. When I do finally get out and shoot, I have so much fun and never want it to end. It's almost like a natural high I get when I have a good shooting session. I don't want it to end and revert back to childhood when I didn't have fun at all with shooting.

What do you guys think? Have you gone through changes like that?


New member
As I aged, and I've done a lot of it, I find that I continually learn, something practically every day. The accumulated knowledge is great and reassuring. Like your friend, I too have found that my tastes have changed. For self defense, I have settled in on and learned one hand gun, the 1911, and one shotgun, the 870. As for target shooting, I find that I abhor the noise and heavy recoil of large calibers in both hand guns and rifles, even close to me on the range. .22 is just fine. I no longer have to prove my "Machoness" to myself or anyone else. I don't hunt so I don't need big bore for that. The "cool" factor has dissipated over the years too.


New member
Well I decided to participate is Cowboy action shooting a year ago. Found that I enjoy the shooting and the folks there. There are a lot of older folks who are there also.


New member
Maser, I'm glad you hung in through the days when shooting wasn't as much fun as now. Maybe we over correct kids when we should be only concerned with the safety aspects.

My shooting has changed from the days when I hunted more. The smaller calibers attract me now (22 hornet, 222 Rem, etc). Seldom does the .270, my "big gun", come out of the safe anymore.