Euroarms Rogers & Spencer .44 question


New member
O.K. I decided to take an adventure and put my "big boy pants" on and graduate from shooting .36 to .44. I purchased a Euroarms Rogers & Spencer from a gun shop I do business with and will pick it up probably next week some time when I stop by to pick up a couple of "modern" pistols that they've been holding for me during the winter. I haven't had the chance to see and handle it other than photos but it is supposed to be "used" but actually new in the box wth paperwork, wrench, etc. (I trust 'em as they've never steered me wrong.) I've had the opportunity to handle originals through the years and thought that I'd go with the R & S as I've heard some great things about them in regards to being good shooters. Sooooo . . . I need to hear from those of you that have a Euroarms R & S. What ball size should I be using and what is a good load (real BP - 3F) to start with? Also, this has the original nipples since it has never been fired. What cap size works best on a Euroarms R & S? Any advice in regards to your personal experiences with a Euroarms R & S would be appreciated. Thanks! :)


New member
I have two:

This is probably my second favorite gun, behind the Ruger Old Army. Quality is very good, although I have to qualify that by noting that I had problems with the full cock notch being too shallow. I repaired it successfully but eventually replaced the hammer as I was concerned my repair had penetrated the case hardening.

It's a big gun. If you like Remingtons you may not like the R&S as it's larger; if you like the Old Army you will like the R&S. The sight picture will take some getting used to as the rear sight notch in the frame is quite shallow and narrow. You'll shoot high to start with, but once you figure that out it will be a tack driver. It's fairly heavy but points very well and has a good, natural grip to my hands.

I use a fairly heavy load: 30 gr fffg real black under a .457 round ball with a dry lubed felt wad. I believe .454 balls will work better but haven't tried them; the .457 take a pretty good push to load and shave a good sized ring. Chambers are 0.446, so that's not surprising. mec's review in his book says .451 will work also and I believe that's probably true. Recoil with that load is somewhat heavy but the gun's weight mitigates that.

No. 11 Remington caps have worked well so far, but cap sizes are not precise numbers and they vary a lot; I still have the OEM nipples in my gun and have never had a problem with spent cap shedding.

As I said, chambers measure 0.446", with 0.440 across the lands and 0.449 across the grooves. 6 lands and grooves, RH twist but I don't know the rate (perhaps the Dixie catalog has that value).

I've also never had a problem with lockup due to accumulated fouling; the cylinder has a bushing on the front like the ROA and handles fouling like ROA, that is to say: no problem, unlike the Remingtons.

Even with the slight mismatch between chamber and groove dimension the gun is a very good shooter at regular pistol ranges. I've not done anything beyond about 30 yards but I've been very pleased with everything up to that.
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Doc Hoy

New member

I am with Mykeal.

The R&S is quite a revolver. I gave 175.00 for mine with no box or papers but the weapon is like new. It is also a Euroarms. Fit and finish are excellent. I can't remember the year of manufacture of mine but the frame has taken on that nice cherry red color that is common in steel frame Remingtons from ASP. The previous owner bunged up one of the frame screws and I replaced the cylinder pin toggle. (It is a set up a good bit like the ROA.) I got parts from DGW and they worked perfectly.

I shoot .454s but I use number 10 caps with success.

The revolver appears to have a nasty tendancy for the loading lever screw to loosen up and drop out. Someone on this forum warned me about it and when I carefully and repeatedly checked the screw, my observation confirmed their warning. Maybe some lock tight.

You will not be unhappy with it.


New member
I need to point out a mistake in my post above: the caps I use with the Pietta OEM R&S nipples are Remington No. 10's, not No. 11's. Sorry.


New member
Thanks fellas for all the great information - I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to getting the time to get over to the gun shop and pick it up. I think I can locate a box of balls to shoot until I can get a mold - would like to try the sizes you're talking about before I commit to a mold. I've alwaqys heard that they are a great shooter and will certainly keep a watch on the screws in reference to Doc's suggestion. I probably could have scrounged around at gun shows and eventually found one but the price I paid for it was much lower than what I could have purchased a new one for from S & S and the like. For all intents and purposes, the one I bought basically is NIB as it hasn't ever been shot. I was happy, the dealer was happy . . so it was good all the way around. The only problem is, if I like shooting this .44 . . . well . . . it will probably lead to other .44s? I've shot .36s so long that I hope I can take the recoil of "the big boys". :D I'm attaching a photo of the one I bought. When I get it, I'll take other photos and let you know how the shooting goes. Again, many thanks! And I know that Doc doesn't like holsters . . . but this winter, I'll be making a cozy little rig for my R & S too. :D


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New member
Hmmmm . . . . I'm always up to doing holsters . . . . but it would probably be for sombody else's Walkers . . . . they are a handsome pistol though so you never know . . . . :D Do they make "bi-pods" that attach to the end of the barrel so you can prop 'em up to shoot? I'd probably get a hernia trying to pull it out of a holster . . . . let alone the weight of it making me walk bent over! :D But . .. . you never know . . . . if I ran across one at the right price, it just might hae to be added to the "herd". :)


New member
The chambers on my EA R&S are .449 and I shoot both .454 and .457, anywhere from 28-34 grains of 3F depending on range, oem nipples and #10 caps. I added a adjustable front blade, about as accurate as my ROA's, been a trouble free revolver.

