Etiquette Question: Shooting with folks you don't know....


Active member
So, you have been invited to "go shooting" with some folks you do business with, but have only met once, at a range you have never been to. You are an experienced shooter, been to many ranges, know and understand range etiquette and rules.

You don't know what kind of shooting these folks do, or even what kinds of guns they typically shoot.

The question is - what gun or guns would you bring with you?

a. 5 of your favorite pistols, SCAR-17, something full-auto, and a Barrett 82a1?
b. Ruger Mark II (or similar .22 pistol)and nothing else
c. Full-auto UZI, because that's just what you feel like shooting that day
d. Old 1911, because who doesn't like old 1911's?
e. Whatever you carry the most, because you need more practice
f. P-210, because you need all the help you can get in the accuracy department.
g. Your newest AR15 build to see if it actually works + some tools to tinker on it if necessary
h. An AK variant because you just think it's "bad to the bone".
i. Something with zombies painted on it.
j. Other
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New member
I've been invited to shoot under these circumstances many times. I always ask what kind of shooting and have always been told. I then plan accordingly. I can't quite envision someone asking me to go shooting and not telling me what we were going to be shooting or what kind of shooting (shotgun, rifle, handgun, etc). If in doubt, just ask.


Active member
Let's say you really don't have the opportunity to inquire - you just need to show up at the established time and place, with gun(s), ammo and targets.


New member
I'd say C/J C, in that you should pick whatever you want. J in that at least bring along enough stuff to cover the bases, a pistol(or uzi :D ), rifle and shotgun. That way whatever they happen to be shooting, you have something similar to be on the same part of the range, and shoot at a similar tempo.

Evan Thomas

New member
If they've invited you, you've had the opportunity to inquire. And it seems unlikely, in any case, that the invitation would just be "Come shoot with us," as opposed to "Come and shoot some skeet," or, "We're going to the pistol range," etc. In any case, if it's a group of business acquaintances, I'd err on the side of being a bit conservative. One, or at most two, fairly "vanilla" guns of the kinds that would cover the possible venues/types of shooting: no fully automatic, no "zombie" guns, no magnum calibers -- and nothing I thought I'd be tinkering with. In other words, I'd be as conservative in my choice of guns as I'd be in what I wore.

It would also depend on what kind of businesses we're talking about. Bankers would one thing, guys who run junkyards, another. If the invitation is "Let's go to the gravel pit and bust some washing machines," all bets are off. ;)


New member
I would go with "Other". I would take the Uberti Walker I bought in December and still haven't tried out. It is a gun that can be appreciated by most every gun owner.
EDIT: If I was picking one of those choices, I'd go with the Ruger Mark and the 1911.


New member
J. Other.

These are business acquaintances, just like a resume, you should impress.

Bring a 6" Chiappa Rhino.

It's doesn't look like a carry piece so you give nothing away.
It is a blend of progressive technology applied to an old school wheel gun.
It is neither new nor old, the caliber is powerful yet not over-the-top.
It says "I can get the job done".
It is easy to shoot and unique all at the same time.

I just talked myself into buying one :eek:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If I put that much thought into it, I'd chide myself for putting that much thought into it and I'd bring the gun I wanted to shoot and/or share with others, or I might bring them all.

They're OK with guns but I'm afraid I might pick a particular gun that might offend them or make them think I'm not cool enough or something?

Mind read, much? Holy Smokes.


New member
J. I'd bring enough to cover all possible bases. I wouldn't be going with the thought of practice or training, and I'd stay away from anything that may give people the wrong idea (as in, who is this gun nut?!). I also wouldn't bring anything that needs work. I'd probably bring at least one .22, a hand gun or two, and probably a rifle of some kind (as long as it's relatively in stay away from the Zombie rifle...a standard AR or AK would be OK I would think). I might also bring the Uzi, and keep it in the car/case just to see how the crowd might react. Might be fun, depending, but of course, you'd have to use your judgement about whether it would be a good idea to bring it out or not.

Other than that, I would have asked some questions when I was invited, that way I would know what others were bringing so I would have an idea what to bring.


New member
I'd say the Ruger, because it shows class and restraint. Also, when you're hitting the X-ring over and over again, you should get some attaboys.


Active member
Perhaps ask them what to bring?

I know, I know, I usually inquire and I will if I get the opportunity. Just assume I wont' get that opportunity. I don't want folks to get the impression that I am overly concerned about this - just thought I'd get everyone's thoughts on what they would bring if they didn't know the folks very well and couldn't get more info. Would you be the: Show-off??? Newbie??? Boring???? Techie (i.e. tinkering with your new AR build)??? Wacky-guy???? Practical shooter???

The Chipa Rhino would be interesting - handled one, but never fired one. Conservative approach - probably the smart thing to do. Uberti Walker - classy and interesting.
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A big NO to being the showoff, especially since you are talking about business connections. I go to some corporate shotgun shoots that are set uber-soft for the likes of me as I shoot registered sporting clays; yes I do my best, but I am as humble as can be - I do not TANK a station or deliberately lose, but even when I am cleaning some clocks because of new shooters, I am being encouraging and giving some help....for shotgun games that seems to work well


New member
If I am shooting with people for the first time, I am bringing my EDC. I can always use more practice and I almost always have plenty of plinking ammo for it.


New member
If you're truly going in blind, a pistol, rifle, and a 12 ga. should cover most of your bases. I would lean towards the more conservative side and bring guns that you are sure are reliable, and most importantly......that you can shoot well!


New member
I say ask them. Not us.
What I look for, or request in a situation like that is variety. I like to bring what they don't have and if they have what I don't, I ask them to bring it.
New things. That's what adventure is all about.


New member
- .22 handgun
- something larger caliber than .22 handgun

- .22 rifle
- something larger caliber than .22 rifle

Done. Next question...