ethical/legal question


New member
I recently broke my foot and was put on painkillers (Tylenol 3). It doesn't really phase me, but I was wondering if one can or should carry while under the influence of drugs like these?


Staff Alumnus
My rule is, if it has the heavy machinery warning, I'll find a natural alternative and continue to carry, as long as my judgment isn't impaired (more than usual, anyway ;)).


Moderator Emeritus
Tylenol 3 contains codeine IIRC.

From a legal perspective I would think twice about carrying. You may be more impaired than you feel. Certainly the BGs attorney would think so if you had to use lethal force.

From an ethical perspective...well...who am I to impose my ethics on anyone. Decide for yourself. :)

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
One of the conditions of CCW in my county specifies that ANY kind of prescription drug affecting perception or reflexes is verboten.

Ask youself: would I drive a vehicle under the influence. You can be DUI while on physician recommended dosages of meds. A blood test after an incident would put you in HOT water.

Also many LEOs, today, are trained to spot drug use by the dilation ot your pupils. You would be dead meat while giving an after-action report to a competent LEO.

DON'T DO IT! You would not drink a beer at the range while training. So, why would you consider popping a T-3 w/codeine and then go armed into harm's way. DON'T DO IT!

Be an example. A good example.



New member
I have the same conditions as WRW on my CCW. I also agree with what he said. If you need to carry, switch to aspirin that day. Get well.


New member
As an LEO, our policy dictates that we cannot carry (whether on or off) if impaired. This includes alchol and prescription drugs. If involved in a shooting we must submit to chemical testing. The problem is no matter how good of a shooting it is the BGs attorney would use this against you. But as the old saying goes "better tried by twelve that carried by six".