Entry Level Hard Use 1911 by MD Labs.


New member
I forgot to ask, does anybody have an MD Labs gun? I'd be interested to hear your experiences.

Also, if anybody knows someone who has one of their guns, maybe you could put me in touch with them. Thanks.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Dave, better question is "Who WANTS an MD Labs Hard Use gun?"

Hand raised over here! Problem is that I just can't afford one. Not even his "Entry Level" version. Not right now at least.
Should I get a new job soon (PLEASE DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN!) I'd be happy to order one. Heck, or just have MD Labs work over my current 1911!


New member
You posted the link to the info on the new 1911 right next to a photo of a Glock. :confused:

Nice piece, though. Just a basic mil-spec .45, but with the dehorning that it should have received back at the factory.


New member
I have to say that the piece looks pretty sweet from the photos, but the proof is in the pudding. If it's totally reliable, it's a definite winner.


New member

The gun's a little more than that. The Glock you are referring to is an avatar, not a photo. The Glock avatar represents "Pistols", as the MD Labs story comes under the "Pistols" topic.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Just Milspec?
Lets see...
Special self lubricating coating, action and trigger totally tweeked with any MIM parts replaced with forged, custom trigger, custom barrel mated with a bushing...
Yeah, that's "Just MilSpec". :rolleyes: