Enduring Ideal of the Wiley Clapp GP100


New member
Been looking into this gun, and it has been solidly on my list more or less since it was released. But some stuff on my list I REALLY wish I had picked up when it was brand new, because they were produced in limited quantities and now a few pieces I am looking at searching years to find one, or paying a high premium simply because I didn't jump on them when they were newly available.

I'm a bit confused as to what place these sorts of guns, the Wiley Clapp GP100, hold in that regard. Are Talo or WC editions inherently produced for limited time? Is this GP something I should buy when I have the chance, or will it be produced for the foreseeable future, or have so many produced that I won't have to worry about not being able to find one years from now?


New member
Some 'dealer exclusive' Rugers have been so popular that later they were added to the regular line...Some have not been as popular, sold slowly, and wallow in relative obscurity and appeal to hard-core collectors only...

As for the Clapp, I just can not get warmed up to the plastic sights, and the too-large grip...3" barrel screams for the smaller grip for concealed carry...

Change the grip to the old smaller Lett's with the same fancy wood, add some steel sights, and they may have something I would like...