end of my turkey hunt.


New member
i shot this turkey late yesterday in the rain. i caught them under a pine tree scratching for bugs,acorns. i used my 680 cz .22 hornet at 60 yds,one shot threw the wing butts dropped it. the rest of the flock just walked off,i guess the .22 hornet didn,t make enough noise to scare them in the rain. eastbank.
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New member
Congratulations...will this be the Turkey for Tanks Givin? If so..how does Wild Turker compare to a Store Bought? I wanted to get a Turkey out in the woods this year for Turkey day dinner..but everyone says that Wild Turkey isn't that good. :confused:


New member
i would have him,but we are going to my mother-laws for dinner.if you have only eaten store bought turkey, they do seem a little different tasting. but if you cook then slow with low heat they turn out pretty go.i season them more than a store bought turkey. here,s a pic. last springs turkey. eastbank.
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New member
First: Congrats on the Turkey

It's legal to use a rifle for turkeys in PA? Man, that would make life easier for sure.

That was my first thought as well. I have to say I'm a bit jealous. My fall turkey hunting would have been done on the first weekend of the season instead of the last morning if we wouldn't be limited to only Shotguns here in Mo.

As for taste, I've only recently gotten into turkey hunting. A couple of years back we roasted one I got during the fall season for all the relatives for that thanksgiving. Everyone commented on how good it was. I don't think my wife (I can't take credit for the cooking as she's made it quite clear Thanksgiving is her deal) changed anything all that much in the recipe over the normal store purchased turkey.

I'm hoping the the turkey I got this year tastes as good as that one.


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New member
you can use a shotgun or a rifle in the fall season,and only a shotgun in the spring season here. i just got word my two turkey hunting friends both shot birds this morning with shotguns,they broke a flock up and call several in and they filled their tags, stan killed a hen and D.J. killed a jake. we saw lots of turkeys. eastbank.


New member
we have so many turkeys, last year i saw over 60 before i killed mine and stan saw more than that before he killed his. stan is a hard core turkey hunter and lives and breaths turkeys. we both use rifle and shoguns. stan and DJ both used shotguns today to kill their birds. eastbank.


New member
We also have a lot of turkeys here. I slow roast them in a wood cooker. It is like a lot of dark meat tho. I also brine mine.