End Of Days...


New member
Saw this flick last night. Not too bad...had a lot of great action scenes. One quote I like the best from Ahnold:

"Between your faith and my Glock 9mm, I'll take my Glock." :D

He used Glocks and his buddy used a P7!

Couple questions:

1) Arnold had two wrist holsters of sorts for a pair of G26/27's. Is there any such thing and would it be practical at all?

2) Well, I forget number two right now, but I'll post it later... :( :eek:


New member
Is there any such thing and would it be practical at all?
1) They were probably made by Stembridge Gun Rentals in Burbank,CA or some other Hollywood props firm..
2) Not unless you are as big and strong as Arnie... :D


New member
Read a book

called "Last of Days" (IRCC) a few years ago..It was about a bunchof mid-east, muslim terrorists who assembled an atomic weapon....Spooky

(Reminded whenever I see th name of the movie, which was OK, but thios book was better!\