End of America as You Know It

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Wednesday August 30 12:02 AM ET
Calif. Minorities Become Majority
By TOM VERDIN, Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - California's minority population became the majority in 1999, continuing a demographic evolution that could have wide-ranging consequences for the state's political future.
The state's non-Hispanic white population was 49.8 percent last year, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released Wednesday. In 1990, non-Hispanic whites were 57 percent of California's population.
That marks the first time since 1860, when accurate census data for California started being recorded, that whites did not have a majority, according to the state Department of Finance.
To Californians, however, the landmark passed quietly. The state's demographics have shifted gradually over the past decade as it became a destination for waves of immigrants from Asia, Mexico and Central and South America.
``The state as a whole has been pretty aware of the trend and the projections for some time,'' said Bruce Cain, a political science professor at the University of California, Berkeley. ``We already know that we have to adjust to diversity, but it makes the point that much more salient when you hit the 50 percent mark.''
The state's changing face already is being reflected in state politics. In 1998, for example, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante became the first Hispanic elected to statewide office since 1871.
Some experts say issues important to immigrant communities - such as better education for students in urban school districts - will take priority as more Hispanics gain political power.
Those issues also could polarize a populace that in the 1990s voted to end many social programs for illegal immigrants, limit bilingual education and ban racial and gender quotas.
One source of possible friction: White retirees who might be less willing to fund programs for poorer inner-city communities that are largely young and non-white, said James P. Allen, a population geographer at California State University, Northridge.
``The big block of voters are whites, many of them older,'' he said. ``Many whites are in a tax-revolting mood and don't want to fund education.''
Asians and Hispanics are the fastest growing of the state's ethnic groups, with both populations increasing by nearly 35 percent between 1990 and 1999, according to the census projections.
Hispanics account for 31.5 percent of the state's population, while Asians are just more than 12 percent. The state's Asian population of roughly 4 million accounts for more than 37 percent of all Asians in the United States.
California's non-Hispanic white population was the only ethnic group to decline, from 17 million in 1990 to 16.5 million in 1999. The populations of blacks and American Indians increased slightly, with blacks accounting for 7.5 percent of California residents.
The demographic shift occurs as the state's population growth continues to outpace the nation's. California's population grew to 33.1 million in 1999, a 10.6 percent increase since 1990, according to the Census Bureau.
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000830/us/california_census_1.html http://www.freep.com/news/metro/cen30_20000830.htm

There's more than one way to conquer your enemy. If you cannot due it outright, through brute force or cunning, then become one with him. Absorb him, smother him, assimilate him, infiltrate him until he is no more, until he is a mere shadow of his former self. Not that this ever has happened, or could happen.

Not that minorities or people of Hispanic origin are necessarily the enemy, or that they are in any way inherently bad, for they certainly are not, however it is time to take a cold hard look at where we are (as a nation) and we are going.

But don't worry right? After all we'll still be safe and secure with our gangbuster economy and abundance of high paying technical jobs. Well watch as those head south or far east and salaries for jobs that do stay here begin to decline as more and more are willing to come here and work for less and less. And reverse discrimination (aka affirmative action), like any great bureacratic leviathin, that once in place will never shrink but will only grow in its desperate attempt to justify its own existence.

But wait, you say this country was built upon immigrants and their decendents, and without their stunning achievements, we quite possibly would not be the great nation that we are now. Aren't you being a little unfair, perhaps a little bigoted in characterizing these great waves of New Americans as a problem? Perhaps. But perhaps not. My grandparents were the first generation of my family born in this great country. As children of Polish and Czech people, you can bet they were the butt of jokes and experienced their share of discrimination. However, they met this challenge with an energy, optimism and willingness to succeed that should inspire us all. They worked the long hard jobs in the factories and mills, scrimped and saved, and eventually built themselves a good life. And in turn for this great opportunity they received, they gave us the great country we have now. And how did they manage this great achievement against all odds? Very simple, actually. They become Americans, embraced the American work ethic and culture, and worked hard. They learned the system, worked it, changed it and improved it. Their children were taught values. Many of them were not allowed to speak their mother languages, but were made to learn English. Education and hard work were valued, even revered. So what is the problem now, you wondered. You see, it seems something has changed. The new generations of immigrants (I almost think of them as invaders) see to be cut from a different cloth. Much of the work ethic, desire to succeed, and most importantly, the desire to become a Great American seems to have disappeared. And the results have torn the nation.

We are supposed to live in a constitutional republic, but in effect we live in a democratic police state, and once the old minority becomes the majority you can expect some changes. Quite possibly, the democrats will control both houses, and quite possibly the presidency. Welfare will never end, but it certainly will be increased. Big government will get bigger. English will never be made the official language of the land, more likely Spanish will. PC crap like "diversity", "multi-culturalness" and "sensitivity training" will become the new propaganda used to divide the nation along racial and class lines. Expect more racism, violence, crime and general problems as a result of this PC foolishness. Forget about the melting pot. Forget about coming here to work hard and become Americans. That will be an old fashioned theory, another example of colonialism perpetrated by dead white males, and everyone will come here desperately clinging to their old culture, old traditions and old beliefs-- nevermind that some of these beliefs are quite possible a cause of the miserable situation they are fleeing from when coming here. When any of the more rational members of our country try to point out these problems, they will be shouted down as bigots, racists, fools-- or evern worse-- charged with hate crimes.

What will this all get us, what will the end result be? Well, it's hard to say but I seriously doubt the results will be what we expect, much less what we want. I find it hard to believe the same culture beliefs and mores prevailing today if applied several generations ago would have resulted in the America we live in now.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Say what you mean. I think I get what you're saying here, but you deserve a chance to come clean. Here's what I got out of that post:

We'd better take a real hard look at what's going on, people, because pretty soon there will be more hispanics than whites in California. We're in trouble if whites are outnumbered.

Then you tell us you DON'T mean that there's anything wrong with hispanics and other minorities--well, if there's nothing wrong with them, it shouldn't be a big deal whether there are 5000 or 5 million of them in California.


New member
More open immigration policies would be very beneficial to America. Our greatest growth as a nation (and the time when we were freest as a people) was during a time of open immigration. Our current laws keep out the people with the type of strong work ethic and family cohesiveness that puts native-born Americans to shame.

Would you do the backbreaking, low-paying migrant farm work that our recent immigrants from Mexico are willing to do? I doubt it, and I doubt there are too many native-born Americans who would, either. They're not "stealing jobs," they're doing the jobs that nobody else wants.

The people who fear NAFTA and open borders are just not facing the facts. Protectionism and restricted immigration are relics of merchantalism, a middle-ages philosophy that was finally and thoroughly discredited by Adam Smith in 1775. One example of merchantilist thinking: fear of the "trade defecit." You see this trumpeted in the papers all the time. But what does it mean? Nothing at all! I run a trade defecit with Home Depot every month - I buy stuff there all the time, but they never buy anything from me. Horrors! A TRADE DEFECIT! But how does it hurt me? It doesn't of course. And it's the same thing with international trade, just on a bigger scale.


New member
"You ain't from around here, are ya?"

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
I disagree our borders and immigration must be tightened up. As far as the Mexicans coming across illegally, Give work permits.
I don'live in the Southwest and I'm not saying anything against other human beings.But there is way to much comming into this Country that should'nt be. Drugs,DISEASE,Undesirables. As far as NAFTA, Even though it wasn't iniated by Klinton,He signed it, it ought to be shoved up his tailpipe, Sorry lost to many industries to that nonsense. Just lost one here in PA to our neighbors to the North.
Instead of having Ellis Island open for tourism it should be re-opened for the reason it was built along with a few others.
Just my thoughts........

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
I say rid ourselves of the Great Nanny State and its artificial safety nets and throw the borders open. This is not a racial problem. The best will come and stay - good. Through hard work and sacrifice they will build their own safety nets .. as most of our immigrant ancestors have.

The small number of immigrant "leeches" will lose interest and look for an angle in local government corruption.

This honest influx of intellectual and labor capital will challenge the status of many protected forces and require them to quit whining and actually produce in the real world or leave themselves.

It will be "bloody" in a short term economic sense, but the country will get stronger for the effort ... and I postulate that racial borders will eventually fall as a result.


New member
Excuse me, but MOST of us who are citizens of this great land are the descendants of folks who emigrated here in the past...

My forbears got kicked outta Europe - The first arrived in New Amsterdam in 1633.

I give you just a few of my relatives...

Capt. Adam H. Bogardus:

After a brief period on their own, Butler and Oakley joined "Buffalo Bill's Wild West." They had been rejected on their first attempt to join the "Wild West" because the show already had an impressive collection of champion shooters, Captain Adam H. Bogardus and his sons. However, Bogardus left the show in 1885 and Oakley and Butler were signed to replace him.

Butler was in Cincinnati on a tour with several other marksmen. While on tour, Butler always offered a challenge to local shooters, claiming that he could outshoot "anything then living, save Carver or Bogardus."

The story of Rev. Everardus & Anneke Jans Bogardus:


Staff Emeritus
In the early days, immigrants came to America to be individualists. Now, too
many immigrants support the same type of paternalistic, elitist oligarchic
disasters which motivated these immigrants to leave their native lands.

Supported by nanny-state lovers, both immigrant and home-grown, our
federal government is destroying our Constitution to beat us into submissive
“subjects” befitting globalist ideals.

Look to the rest of the world to see what America will become. Europe, Asia,
Central and South America await the final, total, and imminent collapse of the
“American Dream.”

-- Not in my lifetime.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dennis:

Look to the rest of the world to see what America will become. Europe, Asia,
Central and South America await the final, total, and imminent collapse of the
“American Dream.”

-- Not in my lifetime.


Dennis: Thank you thank you thank you-- You are the only person to reply who actually understood what I wrote. My point exactly!! I don't think I could have clarified the issue any better! (No wonder you are an administrator).


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruegger:
Our current laws keep out the people with the type of strong work ethic and family cohesiveness that puts native-born Americans to shame.

Would you do the backbreaking, low-paying migrant farm work that our recent immigrants from Mexico are willing to do? I doubt it, and I doubt there are too many native-born Americans who would, either. They're not "stealing jobs," they're doing the jobs that nobody else wants.

:rolleyes: You are right I should go out and pick watermelons off some farm in the dead of summer heat for $4.00 per hour. These guys make good money compared to what they would get at home. And most of it goes straight to Mexico and the rest feeds themselves. You are right that they do back-breaking work and I respect them for doing it to feed their families, but the native-born American doesn't usually have a family in Mexico that those kind of wages could support. Our cost of living is higher and therefore we require higher paying jobs. I look at those guys in those fields and I can say that they should be proud that they are doing that instead of running drugs and disease into our country.
I'm sure my opinion is not shared by all, but it is only my opinion.


New member
Dennis - let me add my thanks - I was going to post something similar.

As for NAFTA, I still maintain it is a disaster for the American worker. There's also the problem that if they can't export the work, they'll import cheap labor.

I was in Carrollton, TX and talked with an out-of-work school janitor. Seems his school privatized the maintenance and the contract went to some outfit who used "green carders"
(oh yeah) at 1/3 the wage.

Just recently, a contruction foreman friend of ours was laid off work in Las Vegas because he couldn't speak Spanish .

We have to make a distinction between those who come to these shores to work hard and assimilate into our culture and those who only want to live like Americans.

I don't give a damn if the guy is polka-dotted, striped, or any color of the rainbow. As long as he belongs in the first group above, he's welcome.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Yeah, no shtinkin' immigrants needed here. Thanks for the beers, I am goin' home.
See ya!

(Ooops, I forget, this is my home now. Shuddup!)


New member
It may be unpopular to point this out, but Spanish was the predominant language in the Southwest US at least a hundred years before English became the majority language. And before even the Spanish came, there were other folks living there, speaking a number of languages.

DorGunR -- not sure what you mean by "You ain't from around here, are ya?" I live in the P.R.K., too, if that's what you mean.


New member
I can't tell from your profile where you are from, that part was left blank.
FYI...I DO NOT have a problem with legal immigration or with people coming to this country on a work permit, In fact, I have been the official sponsor for 9 people who immigrated to this country, they are all now naturalized citizens.
However, I do have a serious problem with ILLIGAL immigrants. And if you live in SoCal as you claim, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
The liberals like to say...If you are against illigal immigration then you are against ALL immigration.....which is just so much BS.
Stand in a Super Market checkout line and watch who the people are with a hand full of food stamps. I for one, am damn tired of it. :(
Take care.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


Staff Emeritus
I saw an interesting survey in Law Enforcement Times once. Seems that 80%+ of Hispanic immigrants favoured the tightly restricted gun controls of the areas they had just left (escaped) from. A similar percentage espoused ideas that would be best desribed as socialist.

Soooo...let's throw open the borders and fill the country with voters who believe that the Bill of Rights is a nuisance, and the the Fed Gov't should be your blanky from womb to tomb.

No thanks.

I also do not have anything against legal immigrants, my wife was one. I married her while stationed in Germany but she was a LEGAL immigrant. An illegal will take just about any job and accept slave wages because he doesn't have a green card and can't be choosey about what he is paid. That and poor wages here are a fortune in most central and south american countries. Illegals are a large reason for low wages in this country. If businesses that hire illegals could not get them, then they would have to pay a wage that an american could live on in order to get the work done. Sure your next chef's salad might cost $25 because of the high labor cost to harvest the vegetable crop but wages would have to rise to compensate for the higher labor. It would eventually level out. The idea of opening up our borders to anyone who wishes to come here is ludicrous at best. We would be so swamped with foreign nationals in 6 months that umemployment would be astronomical and the crime level would be unbelieveable. I'm not implying that illegals are criminals, just that if you are unable to get work your family won't eat. How many people are going to watch their family starve and not do anything?

Apple a Day

New member
Lawdog, don't know who you've been interviewing, bub, but all the fellow Cubans I know are heavily pro. Maybe we're the other 20%. Of course, a lot of my relatives are members of the Miami Rafting Club and escaped from a communist regime. Cousin Fidel frowns on civilian gun ownership.
The term ILLEGAL immigrant tends to pretty much sum up the correct approach for those who sneak here with no more ambition than to manipulate the system. They are no better and no worse than natural Americans who do the same. Penalties should be harsh and thorough. Just don't lump in all those poor b@stards from China, Cuba, etc... who are escaping here to join relatives and work their butts off to build their own "American Dream". If you are just traumatized by the fact that you are becoming a minority, well, deal with it. That trend won't reverse itself anytime soon.
Oleg, you're always welcome at my door.

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


New member
I am not traumatized by the fact that I am becoming a minority. Takes more than that to traumatize me. Nothing against legal immigrants, and within reason, illegal ones as well. Not all illegal immigrants are bad people-- I know of a few who are very hard workers, and embrace the American work ethic and values as well, and are doing their best to build a better life for themselves. They are not on welfare nor do they commit crimes.

But the key phrase above is "within reason". I think that the influx of immigrants into the country, both legal and illegal, has gone beyond reason. The company I work for has many legal immigrants representing most countries of Europe, the far East, and South Americas. These people are all well educated, hard working, tax paying residents who IMHO enhance our country. However, you would absolutely not believe the hoops they have to jump through to stay here. One individual had a visa renewal app rejected after 9 weeks for a clerical error. Long story short-- take a red eye to fly to American Embassy in Canada to get visa renewed, or get deported. And in my hometown, I see many many immigrants paying for food with foodstamps-- what's up with that? It's as if the immigration rules are updside down-- free admitance to those who will not/cannot contribute and barriers to those who can.

BTW, I've noticed that the persons I personally know who have emmigrated here from Russia, China or other equally oppressive regimes love this country, and love the BOR, especially the 2nd, more than many of those who take it for granted because they were born here.


New member
When I was attending college, there were several grants and scholarships that I recall where if I hadn't been white, I would've only had to maintain a 2.0 GPA to be (and stay) eligible, as opposed to the 3.0-3.5 GPA I had to maintain. Furthermore, there were several other grants and scholarships that I was totally ineligible for. Seems the problem was that I was born the wrong color. A partial result of this was that I ended up having to take out loans to go to school, as I couldn't cover it all with scholarships and grants. Not that I minded too much.

Now, my question is, if I wait a few years, to a point where whites become more and more of a minority in various parts of this nation (and eventually in the nation as a whole, if the trends hold), can I go back to school and have it all paid for, being as I'll be a minority then? Can we expect a lot of the affirmative action and minority-preference programs to dry up and disappear as whites become minorities?

BTW, I'm serious with these questions. I think we have some interesting times coming up in this nation. I'm curious to see how things go. I only hope we can make the best of it.

I personally don't think race should be a factor at all, in anything. Not the way it is, though.
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