end all primer for reloading (add as you see fit)


Member In Memoriam
Reloading primer. (& I am outa here for "a while," so can't respond either way for "some time," + very much open to any other opinions regards what would be The Best Top 10 headers for a Reloading Primer.)

Please do add to this as it's just a quick "initiation." Maybe we can even "key it in" as under reloading primer" ..... maybe .... Johnny-Mod, perhaps you can squeeze the "powers that be" to float this one at the top in this forum as The Primer. Not to be so conceited as to have the "end all" regards reloading, but after we get this down pat & condensed, might not be a bad idea to float it at "the top" of this forum" ... I think it very worthwhile to have a "reloading forum float" re specifics of reloading .... wouldn't hurt for some other forums as well .... anyway, after we bang this one out for a "what to/not to do" post & get it down pat, let it float ....
very willin gto work off-line/or one, to make up a composite "float headline" as a primer. Again, could work very well in many forum topic threads .... & too, in the same "forum float," there could be a "if you want to see this-type" URL-link included ....

Best (worst ;) ) case, I figure we have A Mod delete this initial post & re-stick our Best-10s in another "Reloading Primer Float" & all our initial stuff goes by the way-side ...

Quick head-dump, for some reloading stuff "that matters" ...

"Platform" in this post means Your Gun ... nothing else implied. Your gun has a different rate of twist, constriction of bore, chamber dimensions, etc. than any other firearm on this world - none are the same & all reloading aspects must be considered basic to "your gun." Whatever shoots "best" in another doesn't mean that it will in yours. Quite the converse is true. What may be "OK" in another, may blow yours up. Develop all reloading to YOUR GUN ONLY! (as a caveat, most any factory fodder will, at the least, shoot in your gun. However, anything "developed by" a "basement reloader" should be as suspect as one who will "watch over" yer "Old Lady" while yer outa town." "Trust" is where you find it.)

"Your Own Best Load" really is not welcome here as it is counter-productive to all what basic reloading stands for.

1) Stick with all published reloadig data. Use specific components for "as published" data for only in that shooting platform. All data changes based upon any variance due to the components - & "components" means the "test barrel" (yours is different! & is not a "test barrel" - your gun is different), lot of powder, lot of primers, lot/variety of bullets, & your own gun make a big difference.

The 10% reduction (unless specified as in regard H110, etc.) is a true statement. Do not vary from these "recomendations.

2) There are no "most accurate loads." You get to develop them in your own firearm, & it may vary between different firearms, & even of the same caliber & even those with consecutive serial numbers - every gun is a separate entity.

With the exception of the .38 special "bullseye load," (2.7 grains of Bullseye powder, 148 HBWC, any .38 special case, any primer, I know of no "inherently accurate load. YMMV & even with this one, "playing" a tad with the components will give you a more accurate load in any given shooting platform)

3) There are no "best "hot" loads" every one of them are based upon your own platform. Yes. There are starter loads that are on the "hot" side, but again, every one of them depends on how your own platform shoots them best.

In every instance, you get to decide.

Reloading is really, the only very best true democracy available. You get one vote for every try your attempt.

4) I can't anymore ... ;) sorry, lost track & have to make way for "an extended trip" .... any others & what of the initial idea of the "top of forum header" URL-link/s? I think that's a good idea & a nifty way to steer any "newbies" towards a "most asked" primer-type threads.

Oops! lost it again = long-distance phone call + a local ... I'm outa here ... give it some thought & I'll be in touch ....

Steve Smith

New member
Ammendment to #3

There are no MAX loads. Despite what you read in the latest and greatest hanloading be-all and end-all handbook, some loads in that book will destroy some guns, and may be perfectly safe and even tame in others. Do not ask for specific max loads. Ask for suggestions on how to approach high power loads. We may give you our specific loads, but they're only good in our specific guns.