Encouraging words from my Missouri State Senator on CCW !


New member
John Cauthorn met with some local folks on another matter yesterday along with our state representative, Wes Shoemeyer.

John authored the CCW bill in the senate last year, but it never came up for vote after the house version of the bill passed by a large margin.

Senator Cauthorn is already preparing his legislation and in Missouri the republicans now hold the majority in both the house and the senate. Which means they control the docket. It will come up for a vote and it will pass again by a large margin.

Now the hurdle is the lame duck govenor. John feels even if Holden vetos the measure, they have enough support to override.

This is a top priority of our two-term senator and we in NorthEast Missouri are solidily behind him. Every TFLers from Missouri should get on the Missouri State Senate web page and send an email to him thanking him for his hard work and committment to upholding our rights. Let your legislatures know how you feel too.:)


New member
Reverend! One-Term-Bob will never sign it. Hopefully, there will be enough support to override his veto. Thanks for the info.



We can only hope

that they have the legislative support to reverse over 100 years of abject stupidity. The Bob issue will go away in a couple of years, in any case. But why wait, if you have the numbers to over-ride his sure veto?


New member
Concealed Carry ENDORSEMENT?

There's a few nice things about the law. One of them is that it has full recognition of out of state permits (rather than them as an afterthought to be passed later), and another is that the prohibited places don't have the force of "if you carry here, it's a misdemeanor or a felony". Just that if you carry there, and discovered, you will be escorted out (general laws of tresspass), but not charged with anything unless you refuse to leave.

However, there is one problem with the process I do have: Your driver license/state ID card and CHL will be the same. I have a real problem with handing over a piece of ID in general to a store clerk to see a CCW endorsement and start freaking, which is why I like having the permit and DL different. DL's are basically required to get anything. A CHL is not.