Emmys Cancelled - Sick & Tired of Gutless Celebrities

Mike in VA

New member
Not that it's any great loss, IMO showbiz awards shows are are nothing but self-congrratulatory, self-agrandizing, mutual masturbation, not no mention a huge waste of bandwidth, but where do these dweebs get off? They claim to be doing thier part for America's morale, but can't be bothered to do a show because of 'security' concerns. This year, they were even going to 'dress down'. What a bunch of gutless weenies. Liike it would be a great loss as if Drew Barry more or Alex Baldwin or some of that ilk got popped by 'terroists'.

I'm OK with the ones that do the USO shows in the field, but the rest of them can go hump a donut.

Just to keep this gun-related, let me say I wouldn't waste a bullet on any of them.:mad:


New member
I heard that the cast of "West Wing" was the first to say, as a group, that they would not be attending. Fantasy strategy session maybe? Sheen is most likely planning a US surrender.


New member
Aren't most of those afore mentioned celebrities supposed to have left the country since G.W. won the election?


New member
Talk about arrogance. They think that out of all the targets in the US, the terrorists would choose to attack a bunch of people who are most likely to actually support the terrorists....LOL.

Im sure Bin Laden can think of a million better targets than a room full of celebs blowing each other for a night.


New member
Hrmm.. y'know, now that I think about it, if I were some fanatical militant out to rid the world of the "Great Satan" and all its terrible influences on my good and proper kids in the muslim world.. i'd prolly start in Hollywood. Those folks produce most of the American Image most folks overseas know of us. (which in itself is kinda scary).

SO, I'd say they (Hollywood types) are indeed quite possible targets. That said... they do seem to be skipping out, yes.

Still.. can't say as I'd miss em terrible much. :p



New member
They are afraid of being blown to hell by some terrorist the sissies. Unfortunately the terrorist wouldn't blow those SOB's up, we just will never get that lucky.

cma g21

New member
Maybe this will help to show some people in this country that, in searching for role models or granting credibility to their views, that most actors just don't measure up.
I don't think it has anything to do with their security. More probable explanation is that viewers and media coverage would not focus on them but on the bombing in Afghanistan. Their tender egos would not be able to accept the fact that they were upstaged by a war. Mike in VA hit it on the head as to the purpose if these shows.
While I have no love for celebrities (what good do they do me?), the Emmys may have been canceled because it is known that Bin Laden has recommended that places of entertainment (crowds) be attacked (as well as bridges and tunnels into cities).


New member
Amen Mike, the Emmy awards are just for stars to strut around and pat each other on the back.:barf:

It amazes me how those folks can be so convinced of their importance to the country (and the world). Makes me wanna gag.



New member
Instead of the Emmys try a CRUISE!

We at Carnival Cruise Lines didn't forget that a lot of
entertainers had promised to leave the country if George W. Bush
became President. With that in mind, we have a Special Offer for
those who want to keep their promise!

Attention: Would Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Phil
Donahue, David Gephin, Barbara Streisand, Pierre Salinger, and
anyone else who made that promise, please report to Florida for
the sailing of the Funship Cruise, "Elation", which has been
commissioned to take you to your new homes outside of the USA.

The Florida Supreme Court will sponsor a Farewell Parade in your
honor through Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties prior
to your cruise.

Please pack for an extended stay...at least four years and you
should consider the possibility of eight years.

Your captain is - Bill Clinton
Your cruise director - Al Gore
Your recreation director – Osama Bin Laden
Your lifeguard and swimming instruction supervisor - Sen. Ted
Kennedy Sen. Kennedy will also be teaching a course in emergency
Personal Masseuse – Janet Reno
Your spiritual advisor and marriage counselor will be the
Rev. Jesse Jackson.

If you've any questions about making arrangements for your homes,
friends and loved ones, please direct your comments to Senator
Hillary Clinton. Her village can raise your children while you're
gone, and she can watch over all your money and your furnishings
until you return.

Bon Voyage!


New member
You forgot security arrangements handled by that former bar bouncer, and, of course, Reno's Rangers, the ATF.

Fred Hansen

New member
After they hit an iceberg and start to sink, you know what Kaptain Klinton will say? (insert petulant Klinton voice here) "We were just gonna stop for some ice-cubes. (bite thumb, pout and wink at the ladies)

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
- Plato -


New member
Since we're on the subject, I just ran accross this one...


Here's a good quote:

<<<Woods, who plays Barrymore's father in the movie, was more matter of fact. He noted that he and the rest of the cast were contractually obligated to promote their movie. Woods, who said he refuses to fly commercially, also announced that he would not attend the film's New York premiere. >>>


New member
I started boycotting various actors/actresses years ago starting with Elizabeth Taylor. My list is now so long I can rarely go anymore. It seems everytime one of those "self important" nitwits open their mouth they make my list and I use to be a real movie buff. TV the same. If they thought I was going to watch something with Ellen Degenerate hosting they were going to be sadly mistaken.

Mike in VA

New member
So much for "The Show must go on . . ."

Part of what chaffes me so much about these people is the simple irony that they get paid princely sums to play at make believe and yet fail to grasp that they really have so little to do with real life. Their function is to provide diversion and they should thank God that they live in a society that is rich enough and privileged enough to have time for 'diversions' instead of worrying where their next meal is coming from :barf: