EMF Company 9C1 pistol?


New member
Does anyone have any information on this handgun? Looks interesting and reasonably priced.




New member
No infomation other than what is in the EMF catalog. At least it is not as frightening as the catalog picture of the EMF 1911 Combat Model with the front sight on backwards.


New member
Why the two piece trigger, and why does it have to be pinned? I mean really, is it that hard to have a trigger that pulls straight back, and maybe in DAO?

FMK Firearms

New member
FMK Model 9C1 pistol

I'm Dave Wolfe from FMK Firearms we are the manufacturer on the FMK Model 9C1 Pistol. EMF is a distributor of our Model 9C1 pistol. If anyone has a question please feel free to contact us. We built this pistol from the ground up and every single part of the 9C1 is made in the USA.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows, will plow for those who do not.” Thomas Jefferson
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New member
I can't get into the B.O.R. etched on the slide. 'Speshulee when they're 10rd onlee magsnstuff. Other than that. I'd like to see how they run. Some gun rag has to get ahold of one soon I'd guess. I saw a GLOCK/SW knockofflookinthang in another thread that I wanna see a range report on too.


New member
FMK Model 9C1 pistol


I'm Dave Wolfe from FMK Firearms we are the manufacturer on the FMK Model 9C1 Pistol. EMF is a distributor of our Model 9C1 pistol. If anyone has a question please feel free to contact us. We built this pistol from the ground up and every single part of the 9C1 is made in the USA.

My question is: Is there any pot metal involved?


New member
Not a bad looking gun. Wish it had a higher capacity. The Bill of Rights was a bad idea and they messed up the wording.

For example the first amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A little wordy I understand.

They wrote: Freedom of speech, Religion, Right to petition our government

They forgot about the press and our right to assemble. Not to mention the freedom of speech will not be abridged. That means you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Words are important. Our founding fathers knew that which is why the Bill of Rights isn't short enough to be fit on the side of a gun. :D

This is pandering to a subset of people that don't know better. Maybe they should stick to the second amendment...assuming they can get that right. (FYI FMK, the 2nd reads "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.")


New member
Akbar Akbar?

I saw this in a recent mag (Sept 2010 issue) and it was the first I had seen of it. It looks a lot like the CD9 pistol Charles Daly imported a while back which was made by Akbar Akbar in Turkey. Largely based on expired Glock Patents I believe. Neat that it's US made. Will be interesting to see the street price and get a hands on review.