Emerson Case - Part 2


New member
It's interesting. The President has been saying for the last year that he does believe that Americans have the right to own guns. But then a member of his administration (the U.S. Attorney in the Emerson appeal) insists that we don't have the right. I guess he didn't get the memo.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz


New member
Compare: "I did not have sex with that woman..." with the President's statements during the past year that he does believe people have the right to own guns. Conclusion???? Does anyone think that attorney arguing the case for the govt. was expressing his personal viewpoint when he said there was no individual right? The govt. position is 100% political and zero scholarship or historical. It is time to exchange the Democrates in power for ANYTHING


New member
Just a matter of historical curiousity, but I personally wonder as to how many damned fool gun owners voted for Clinton the first time. If that question were ever answered, I would be even more curious as to how many voted for him the second time.

Any guesses, answers can be posted here, I will try to look back, or sent to me via e-mail, your choice.

After all, Clinton's tendendy to "play" with the truth was well known before he was first elected to the presidency.


New member
Are judges more in touch with the defensive use of guns than the politicians in Washington listening to their polls? On the way to the range yesterday, I recalled that about a year ago, I heard about legislation being proposed by federal judges. The purpose of the legislation was to exempt federal judges from the state CCW laws. The reason for the legislation was based in the fact that federal judges sentence a lot of bad guys that would love to give them a payback (and federal judges don't have secret service agents carrying for them).

Don't know what became of the legislation, but it made me wonder if the fate of the second amendment isn't in better hands before the courts and judges that have a concern about personal defense than with the politicians in Washington that are influenced by polls, the million moms march, etc. and who are insulated from personal defense applications.

Any thoughts?
Guilty of voting for Clinton the first time, but not the second. Fool me once......

In my defense, I wasn't a gun owner at the time and didn't have a strong pro-gun tilt like I do now. 10 years of living in the DC area have changed that.

George W. Bush Senior was just SO out of touch and Clinton seemed like fresh new blood. Billy Boy can talk the talk. He tells you what you want to hear.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Willy Jeff didn't get me twice.