Emerson Brief update - SAF has them all


New member
SAF now has all of the Amicus Brief's posted on their web site. You can find them at:

One thing is certain from reading both the pros & defense sides of the argument, if the 5th circuit does not uphold Judge Cummings ruling, the courts will no longer be legitimate. The amicus brief's for the defense have done an outstanding job of presenting the evidence on the true meaning of the 2nd. In my opinion, this evidence is indisputable.

For those of you who have never spent the time reading a few law review journals dealing with the 2nd, the brief's in this case would be a good starting point.


New member
The court system is totally corrupt as is. There is no way that Emerson will ever see the light of day. I guarantee that the Appellate Court will overturn Cummings ruling and that the USSC will Cert Deny the appeal. These lies perpetrated by the courts will continue until they are stopped by force. Firearms laws will become so onerous that we will be forced to either take action of hand them over. This will play out over the next 25 years. Incrementalism - bit by bit.

Gettin to be about time to feed the hogs. Maybe within the next 10 years or so.

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
--Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

Bob Locke

New member
I am not holding out a lot of hope that this case will shore up the bulkheads. I can easily envision the Court of Appeals falling either way.

The bottom line is that the government can only take from us those rights which we allow them to. And yes, the proper phrase is "take from us".

Planning for the worst, while hoping for the best.


New member
I didn't find the NRA's brief there, and it is probably the best one. You can read it over on www.nra.org however.

My only problem with SAF is that some of the links to briefs actually take you to the Potomac Institute web site, and they include so much anti rhetoric comments throughout, that it makes the brief unreadable.

Ernest McGill is an idiot.

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" - Patrick Henry

Ed Brunner

New member
As I live within the Fifth Circuit's area of influence, can I conclude that an affirmation means that I can strap it on and "they" can pound sand?

Better days to be,
