Emergency Kit (Locked)?


New member
I guess there is some kind of rule on this, didn't really understand because there are a lot of other 'lame' discusions on this list.

Anyway... three weeks ago in my town (Greenville, SC) we had one major weather event. Ice storm to beat all. I'm talking trees falling on people, cars houses.. everywhere. We had one very large and tall tree that was going to fall on our house and it looked like we were going to have to evacuate...didn't know if we could even get out of town or to someplace safe. So in packing, I had to decide what weapon(s) to take with me... this was serious .... I had to choose from shotguns to rifles like SKS's and Mini 14/30 and in pistols several revolvers and autos. I finally decided on this: Two Ruger P95s and a Ruger PC9 carbine..... they not only shoot all the same 9mm ammo but take the same magazines....

through some higher power, the big tree never fell... several others fell on the house but not enough to cause us to evacuate.

I thought at least from my stand point this was a good discussion point... if you have 30 minutes to pack... what weapon do you take with you, not know where you are going or what you are going to run into?


New member
I'd just pack my carry gun . Understand that if you evacuate to a public building you may be searched and weapons confiscated !!


New member
Blume357 said:
So in packing, I had to decide what weapon(s) to take with me... this was serious .... I had to choose from shotguns to rifles like SKS's and Mini 14/30 and in pistols several revolvers and autos. I finally decided on this: Two Ruger P95s and a Ruger PC9 carbine..... they not only shoot all the same 9mm ammo but take the same magazines....

Expecting AL Queda at your destination?


New member
My apologies to the staff..

I didn't realize there was a standing policy against the use of the SHTF acronym in the title of a posting. I unwisely chose to include it in the heading because I believed it to be a term more people could easily relate to. That'll teach me to think!

I only wanted some informed advice regarding firearm selection, nothing more. Being able to properly defend and provide for my family during a natural or manmade disaster is important to me, and I'm sorry my question wasn't viewed within that context.

Once Again, My apologies.


Bud Helms

Senior Member

No need to apologize. The post in that three month old thread that declared this policy (in this forum only) wasn't made a "Sticky". If you hadn't read that post, you wouldn't know.

Move on.


New member
First I'd never heard of that policy either - and I spend ponderous amounts of time in here... Shrug.

I'd grab an AR and a 1911 of course. A .357 revolver would end up as BUG, but I'd have it with me before packing anyway - my always gun.

Now ammo - I happen to keep min in ammo cans and could just grab one of each caliber. Easy transport, large ammounts, and good storage. AR mags are full and stacking inside, while others are loose bulk.
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New member
zack... to continue your topic

yes, I think an 'evil assault' rifle or something close is probably the best choice for what you are asking.... and if there are other folks in your family qualified to handle a weapon .... same ammo and same weapon are the most practical. Simi-auto handgun to go along with all this..... and for stopping power you can't beat a good old 1911 in 45acp.

I chose the 9mm in the heat of the moment.... seemed logical to me from the standpoint of having two handguns, one for me and one for my wife and a small carbine rifle (all be it under powered).. it will hit what you are aiming at within 100 yards easy... I have four 20 round magazines that will fit both the pistols and rifle.

I hope it never comes to that point, but then another thing to consider is availability of ammo. It might be prudent to have weapons that shoot the ammo of your 'enemy'. Back in the early 90's my father bought an SKS and 1200 rounds of ammo. He ended up givening most of it away... his point was that if he needed more he should be able to get what he needed with just a few of the (couple hundred) rounds that he had.