Embarassing Question Re: a Lorcin .380


Active member
I have a Lorcin .380 in good condition...for a Lorcin. Yes, I got it legally. Yes, I know their reputation.

My question is would a pawn shop or a gun dealer give me $50 for it? I don't want it, and I don't want to be responsible for selling a $50 gun to just anyone. It's not worth advertising and shipping, or FFL transfer fees, etc. Suggestions?


New member
Skans said:

Honestly if it were me, it wouldn't be worth $50 to take the chance that someone else buys that gun from said dealer and actually trusts their life to it. I'd dispose of it properly.


Place parts on workbench.

Hit repeatedly with the largest hammer at hand.


New member
A pawn shop typically is going to want to double there money. I don't think that they would give you $50 but you could go there and see. If you are worried about selling it just take down his DL# and get him to sign a bill of sale and give him a copy as well. It wont be your problem any more and your ass is covered.


Active member
I don't think that they would give you $50 but you could go there and see. If you are worried about selling it just take down his DL# and get him to sign a bill of sale and give him a copy as well. It wont be your problem any more and your ass is covered.

I don't want to have anything to do with selling this gun to some first time gun buyer, which is probably who would buy it. Pawn shops sell this slop all the time - I'm just restocking their inventory of cheap guns at a price where the owner might be able to make a few bucks on it.

Maybe I'll make it into a "torture test" project, if I can't dump the thing.


New member
I would keep my eyes open for a local "gun buy back" program. There was one locally and they were giving $100 for a handgun. I think it would be a fitting end for a lorcin to get melted down:D


New member
Take it to an appropriate outdoor range and shoot it from a decent distance with a high-caliber center-fire rifle of your choice.


New member
I would keep my eyes open for a local "gun buy back" program. There was one locally and they were giving $100 for a handgun. I think it would be a fitting end for a lorcin to get melted down

I hate buy back programs, but in my opinion, this gun would be worth of it.

Or, if all you expect to get out of is $50, take it a apart and destroy it with a big hammer. That might actually be fun.


New member
I wouldn't sell it. I'd have fun with it. I know someone who shoots hot-rodded 1911s and he has a "pimp gun" (.25 raven, irrc). Plinking with pimp guns can be fun.
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New member
I don't understand you guys. Seriously, poor Americans have a right to keep and bear arms and to be able to defend themselves. Do a face to face sale to someone who is legal to buy it and is responsible.
Responsibility for a gun belongs to the person who possesses it. The OP said it works well, it probably won't explode in his or her hands, and it could save their lives.
I don't know, maybe no one in this forum knows anyone who is poor and responsible and who's life is worth defending.


New member
If it woeks and is not causing any problems on it's own
Why not keep it

My ex told me she wanted a gun a couple of months ago
If I had any inexpensive gun I would have given it to her till she could afford a better one

You never know when a beater will come in handy

Contrary to popular belief these guns do not automatically blow up on the 100th round
If it were an unsafe gun it would have been so from the beginning or would have shown signs after a few rounds


Active member
Well, I appreciate the advice. This is what I've decided to do: I'm going to keep the gun and use it to practice some gunsmithing. The first thing I'm going to do is try to polish the feed ramp - it is pretty rough. Maybe I'll polish some of the trigger parts to see how well I do. If I get it right, perhaps it will actually improve the gun's value. Or, maybe I'll keep it around for plinking. If I get it wrong, then no real harm done - I'll just sell off the parts. I bet the parts alone would go for $30 on gunbroker.