Elmer Keith is a Cop-Killer?


New member
Earlier this morning I was searching the web and came across the following...

Elmer Keith is a Cop-Killer

Posted by vpcadmin on February 27, 2008

The Gun Blobbers put the inventors and engineers of these death machines on a pedestal. They hold Samuel Colt, John Browning, and Eugene Stoner in high regard. In a continuing series, the VPC Blog will examine each of these death makers in turn.

Elmer Keith was a boisterous cowboy and inventor of several deadly types of ammunition. He first invented the .357 Magnum at the request of police officers. The .357 Magnum could penetrate the primitive armor vests worn at the time. This obviously means he wanted to kill cops. The .357 Magnum went on to become one of the most common, and therefore deadly, firearms cartridges around.

Later, Elmer Keith created the .44 Magnum cartridge, an even more deadly form of his .357 Magnum. It went on to star in a series of Dirty Harry films, and kill numerous police officers on the streets.

Keith’s attempts at killing cops inspired many other devious gun makers. One group created the .454 Casull in 1959. This bullet moves so fast that it can penetrate a Kevlar vest. Another group of police “officers” invented a brass bullet to penetrate car windows, yet it could also penetrate Kevlar vests!

On top of this, the dastards invented these bullets before Kevlar vests were even created! How low will the Gun Blobby sink?

Special Thanks to The Gun Guys.

It can be found here VPC Blog
Centro De la Politica De la Violencia
which is a Violence Policy Center blog.

I believe that it is obvious that our opposition is delusional, factually challenged and more than likely mentally deficient.

You should also read some of their other thoughts like this on the 9 mm Terror. :eek:

John Browning: Dastardly Mormon

The patron-saint of all Gun Blobbers, John Browning invented numerous firearms and thus is the source of much of the world’s ills. Gun Blobbers idolize him because he represents someone who acted completely sane around firearms. We at the VPC Blog know this is a quality only to found in Law Enforcement Officers, thus his fanatics are deluding themselves.

Here is a sample list of his crimes:

  • Turned a lever-action rifle into an assault weapon. He probably used Black Magic in order to accomplish this feat.
  • From this, he designed the M1895 machine gun, and then the M2 machine gun.
  • The Browning Automatic Rifle. Truly a deadly assault weapon.
  • Created the the M1911 and Browning Hi-Power pistols, frequently used by gangsters
  • He created six deadly pistol cartridges: .25 ACP*, .32 ACP, .38 ACP, .380 ACP, 9 mm Browning Long, and .45 ACP.
  • And, worst of all, he created the .50 Caliber Browning Machine Gun cartridge.

I don't know whether to laugh, cry or vomit.


New member
What a line of crap. The anti's continue to find a new hole to stoop to....twisting the facts to fit their agenda.


New member
Yeah, without the inventions of Browning, we might today have the privelege of speaking and writing in German or Japanese, and we wouldn't have to celebrate this silly holiday.


Hard to believe people actually believe all that. I've read similar fiction from the anti-hunters. Strange how two different people can view the same thing so completely different. The polarization of America.


New member
Pretty sure this is a parody site.


Scroll down to "Ronnie Barrett: Insidious Time Traveler"

It's funny as hell.

Aw, heck, here it is. But still, click and see the timeline and the evil picture of Ronnie Barrett with the added devil horns:

At last we come to the Master of Disaster, Ronnie Barrett. The “Official History” of Ronnie Barrett is that he created his .50 BMG Terror Rifle in the 1980s for the purpose of long-range target shooting. Carlos Hathcock had promoted the idea, but Barrett built a dedicated platform for the concept. Some people try to excuse this behavior, arguing that “anti-matériel” (in reality, anti-armor and anti-police) rifles have existed for nearly one hundred years.

The World Ends in 2038.The truth is that Ronnie has the ability to Quantum Leap. He went back in time to World War I and invented anti-armor rifles. His rifles were first used by the British to kill snipers advancing under steel plates and later used by the Germans to destroy tanks. Then, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, he invented even more deadly versions of his Terror Rifle. This included the PTRD, the model 35, the Lahti L-39, and many others. These rifles were used to destroy tanks, trucks, and even aircraft during World War II and the Korean War. As deadly as those were, somehow they weren’t deadly enough, and he continued searching for the perfect, even more deadly Terror Rifle.

After the 1968 Gun Control Act (Peace Be Upon It), restricting all firearms above .50 caliber, Barrett’s pyromaniacal desires had to be sated. He influenced Carlos Hathcock to use a .50 BMG rifle, so as to later motivate the military to buy his future rifles. Finally, in the 1980s, Ronnie Barret developed a rifle capable of hitting hard with great range of terror. And, best of all, it was perfectly legal for civilians to own.

Ronnie Barrett’s machinations have largely been successful, and society is paying the price for it. A proper legal response now is to implement numerous cumbersome federal laws upon all gun owners, such as:

* Halt foreign sales of .50 BMG weapons.
* Add all .50 BMG rifles to the NFA registry.
* Bar Doctor Samuel Beckett from ever working on the Quantum Leap project. The Gun Blobbers may argue that this will create a time paradox, but it’s just Common Sense.

Truly, Ronnie Barrett is the Alpha and the Omega of anti-armor rifles. But, if these steps are followed, that can be prevented.


New member
Well, who the hell quantum leaped and gave the Germans jet technology? It was probably Big Bird...

Well, I'm not sure about that, but the real Sesame Street is a lot rougher than they would have us believe.


New member
Hell, we couldnt even let our children watch the 'old' Seasame Street. They'd be given all kinds of 'bad advice', talking to strangers, listening to the grouchy guy who lives in the trash, ect., ect.