Elk Hunt


New member
Here is a little bull I killed this week with a 280 Ackley and a 160 grain Nosler partition. My hunting partner killed one about the same about 100 feet away with a 7 MM Ultra and 140 grain factory load. There was a good 6X6 behind that we didn't see until these were down. An elk is about more trouble than it's worth up here even with an outfitter to get them out. Steep and high. The ugly gray thing is me.
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New member

That backstrap will eat good.

You say "up here........." Where is up here?

Yes, elk are big so geetin' them out from: up here, down there, over yonder.....is a hastle.

I love elk hunting and elk steaks but the work definitely starts when the gun goes bang.

- Craig


Staff In Memoriam
Good job there but I think looks too much like work to me... I rather try an ELF hunt that scooby mentions... I bet they are much easier to carry out.


New member
Nice Job! Strange hunting for us flatlanders but i hope to do it someday while my joints can climb those hills!:eek:


New member
Where is up here?

This is the Scapegoat Wilderness in Montana. I'm probably at about 7500 feet, not so high by Colorada standards. The horses are about 1 1/2 miles away. You have to gain about 700 feet at a 60 degree incline to get here. It's about 2:30 in the afternoon and we have already done it several times. Now, we have to climb about 600 feet up and then another 1000 feet down to get out of here. I walk three miles a day and have for years. It's either that or be young. Tough hunt. God, I love it so.