elk and barnes x-bullet


New member
Im supposed to go elk hunting this fall. I am taking my 700adl in 30-06. I was going to use a barnes x-bullet in 150 or 180gr. How would this load do on elk? Will that load go thriugh a shoulder, or should i just take a broadside shot?


New member

Load a 200 grain Sierra Game King and hold anywhere you want to. Dead elk. And you will be able to get in a lot of practice for a lot less money. I know some people have had good luck with the X-bullet, but I never could get them to fly. And I tried them in a half dozen different rifles. I have been shooting the Game Kings for a long time, and that bullet has always been very accurate and deadly for me. It also makes a good long distance bullet for the 30-06. Unlike the X-Bullet(IMO). Tom.


New member
A very good friend knows the owner of Barnes and they are good friends. But m y friend doesn't use the X. Accuracy is his beef too. They may work in your rifle, tho. As always, some rifles like some bullet/powder/primer combo another exact rifle may not shoot the same load well. Don't take others word for something, experiment.


New member
I shoot 165gr. Barnes x bullets in my '06 and they are very accurate and terminal performance is great. Some guns do not like the Barnes, but the ones that do tend to shoot them very well. If you end up not being able to use the Barnes I would go with the Nosler Partition or Swift A-Frame.


New member
I've been using the Barnes XLC, 180gr FB bullet for 5 years now, in .308. Taken four elk. I've been very happy with their performance and would recommmend them. Perhaps because I use .308 instead of some magnum monster, none of my bullets have passed through yet. Still, well placed shots dropped them. The bullet below dropped a massive herd cow last year, running full bore about 60 yards away. She dropped in a heap (double lung) and I ended it with a 135gr Nosler 10mm at 2 feet to the head. Bullet was recovered on the far side, behind the shoulder and partially lodged in the hide. Velocity would have been around 2450 fps at that range, so the '06 may have enough to get through. Rifle was a Weatherby Vanguard 1:12 4 groove. Nikon Monarch Gold 2.5x10 scope.

I'm considering a deeper penetrating bullet this year, either the 180gr Fail Safe, 180gr Partition Gold, or 220gr Partition, all of which penetrated deeper in my tests. (wet phone books, nothing real scientific). But, it ain't broke either, so I may stand pat and take the blue Barnes.






New member
Great pics

Im not sure if woodleigh bullets are avaliable in the states but they perform well on our sambar deer here in australia. My mate shot a large stag with the 180gr weldcore broad side shot. left exit hole size of a tennis ball stag dropped on spot. Rifle was rem pump in 30.06. They are quite a lot cheaper and accuracy is MOA. I use the 200gr in my .300 win mag with great performance, i have recovered 4 slugs with an average of 90% weight retention.
Pic of woodleigh 200gr was recovered from a sambar stag shot from my .300 win mag. Stag was 200 yd away and i am using moderate load about 2700fps.


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New member
+1 on the A-Frames and Partitions. As for the Fail Safes, I used them in my .300 Win Mag and actually took two deer with one shot. That spike was just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Him and the doe I was shooting at both dropped in their tracks. Actually recovered that bullet lodged in his far shoulder, but he wasnt that big anyways. :eek:


New member
yes the .300 win mag is a fine rifle as you can see the nice mushroom i recovered. i am loading some 180gr nosler accubond for pig shooting in a few weeks. Ha cant wait. Should blow them to the **** house, as we say in australia.


New member
My personal favorite (at the moment...) is the Accubond.

There are a lot of people that will say premium bullets are a waste of money. I personally don't agree. If I only hunt Oregon, I am limited to 1 deer and 1 elk per year. I do not mind spending the extra money for that extra confidence.

If this is a special trip (meaning you don't get to go elk hunting on a yearly basis), I would not go cheap on the ammo.

I would go with either a 165 or a 180 gr premium hunting bullet. I have absolutely no "scientific" reason not to go to 150, especially in a premium bullet. It just doesn't give me a warm/fuzzy.

Jack O'Conner

New member
HOGGHEAD's advise is sound. The 200 grain Sierra has an excellent reputation for accuracy and performance on game.

My advise: shoot into the chest and shoot again. Two chest strikes will quickly topple any elk no matter the size.

Good hunting to you.




New member
Tomas, I think you will find that the Barnes will penetrate farther than the other projectiles you are considering.


New member
dont like

7mm barnes 160 i shoot this 200 class whitetail in alberta 2005 hit buck in front of front leg the shell did not blow up if it had the buck would be dead but the barnes keep 85 percent of the weight i wish i used a bt but i blame it on my gun and wife lol


New member
I am taking my 700adl in 30-06. I was going to use a barnes x-bullet in 150 or 180gr. How would this load do on elk?
30-06 loaded with 180 gr bullets have filled a lot of elk tags. It should do just fine.
Will that load go thriugh a shoulder, or should i just take a broadside shot?
Why in the world would you shoot at the hardest part of any animal in order to kill it? Shoot it in the ribs right above its elbow or about 1/3 of the way from brisket to withers, but don't try to shoot it through the shoulder.


New member
Jack, I'd aim for the black spot on your elk's shoulder with my 30/06 and a 200 Nosler. Then I'd hit him again right next to it. I believe in Partitions, and I don't take chances with large game; especially if it has the propensity to scratch and bite or come over and discuss the fact that I poked a hole in it's hide.