Elizabeth Petersen


New member
Yeah...no updates...what's going on?

If you don't report in soon, a heavily armed force of TFLers will invade Utah looking for you...I'll be one of them.

Dave R

New member
Isn't she an emergency medical-type person? If she's swamped at the Olympics, that would be bad news...

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I sent Beth an e-mail a couple of days ago...

...and she hasn't answered me yet. I do know that she has had a real bad case of flu. I'll send her another e-mail tonight expressing the concern for her absence.

I'll bounce in here, as I'm in regular contact with our own Ms. Petersen.

Liz is doing fine.

She's very busy because, as Dave noted, she's working Olympic Venues.

She's also got her house guests, a couple of kids, and a soldier overseas to worry about (I THINK that has all been discussed, sorry if I'm letting to much out, Tac).

I chatted with one of her houseguests yesterday for a little bit.

Everything is calm at the moment.

Dave, "swamped" is a relative term. It's the truth, though, that EMS personnel have a lot more to do and worry about right now simply because there are so many people attending the games.


New member
I WAS suppposed to have been involved in the Olympics (9-11 induced cost cutting ended that) so I can tell you, she's likely working 12 hour shifts, most of which (we all hope) will be spent fighting boredom. Still, add in commute time, and getting-through-security-time, and that's a long day.

Hey all...

Yes, I am still alive. Though, to be honest, I think spending a couple of days pretending I am dead would be nice. My idea of the perfect vacation...


My city looks like an armed camp...soldiers, chain link fences with razor wire, cameras and k-rails everywhere. Every night it sounds like I have a squadron of Blackhawks landing on my roof. Smelly cheese eating surrender monkey (French) journalists abound. My normally 30 minute commute has turned into something resembling NASCAR for dummies. Thank god for books on tape. On the plus side, I get free coffee and donuts from the Red Cross ERV :D

Its the same routine, just revved up about ten fold.

On the home front, everything is about the same. Still waiting for court, or to hear that a plea bargain has been struck. Been pretty calm, although at times I am convinced that I am Flypaper for Freaks (another story all together).

Thanks to everyone for their concern. But like Mike and Captain Hoek said, I've been pretty swamped, and what time off I have is usually spend sleeping or hiding from the rest of humanity.

I do promise, though, to keep everyone updated. Let's just hope the next couple of weeks stay nice and calm and uneventful.

(yeah right)


Kentucky Rifle

New member
She answered me too....

Tough lady. She's just fine! Makes my chest swell with pride when she tells me she walks around the house with her shotgun AND her 1911! She's no "shrinking violet".

Kentucky Rifle


New member
Beth, sounds like your city is ready for a Krispy Kreme Grand Opening. They should have been so prepared in Denver!

Kentucky Rifle

New member
She found out that I had the flu...

The direct quote was, "Will, you take care of yourself, you hear me? Don't make me come out there and kick your butt up around your ears"! Scared me to death!:) To quote Brother Bob, "I went to bed and covered up my head"!

Kentucky Rifle