Election outcome


New member
My ideas only. Give me some feedback on them.

Bush won the election. Bush won the recount. Bush won after absentee ballots. It will be VERY for any group, including the courts, to let algore win based on that history (not that the algore core ain't trying!). The only way for them to let the hand-recounted ballots from democratic selected sites is to hand-recount the whole state.

I think algore may already know that he has lost. His idea now is to make it as hard for Bush as humanly possible to become president and to be a successful one. Close win, split houses of congress, total gridlock.

Outcome of the whole mess? Bush wins, has a very hard 4 years. Demo's begin a 4-year presidential campaign for HILLARY!!! Believe me, I fully believe you WILL get a chance to vote aginst HIL (in 8 yrs if algore can steal the presidency and in 4 if he can't).

What do you think on this? Thanks! and GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!
Salute to the vets after having to watch his slick-ship in Viet Nam! Wonder which of our vets had to take his place to keep him 'politically viable'?

Ed Brunner

New member
Hillary is the real threat.

Think about HOW Hillary became a US Senator from NY. Somehow she convinced Nita Lowey the Dem nominee to drop out. Somehow she convinced Rudy Guilani that he has prostate cancer and somehow the only person who could have beaten her died in a plane crash. Rick Lazio did well but he was out-machined.

If Hillary can keep her machine for four years Al Gore will not be a bump on her superhighway. On the other hand, George W Bush might be able to work his unity agenda to the point where by 2004 he has gained a lot of support.