El Paso, TX Gunshops / Shows / Ranges?


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Any recommendations for El Paso area? Especially looking for a place that carries used or consignment revolvers.


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I know of 3 gun stores here offhand...

1. El Paso Gun Exchange (Bassett Center area): The most espensive gun store in town, bar none. They do a lot of sales to the El Paso Police Department. Owner, Mr. Senior, doesn't know much about marketing/selling in today's world...and doesn't care to know. Prefers to remain ignorant. I know.

2. Kirk's (Eastside): The most unfriendly gun store in town, bar none. I don't know what's wrong with those people. There's always a few OLD guys hanging out there behind/around the counter. They all look at you as if you're an alien when you come in, never say "Hello" or "How can we help you"...they don't say anything at all and never smile. They're just plain cold. No way to run a business and not a pleasant store to go to because of their attitude.

3. Colletcor's Gun Exchange (Westside): They do lots of consignments there. A much more friendly staff. Owner Mr. Paul Lee, a Chinese guy, is into Cowboy Action Shooting events. Prices are similar to Kirk's, maybe a bit more.

-- John D.


New member

Went to all listed (plus a few others with essentially no firearms inventory).

1. El Paso Gun Exchange: Wow...scorching high prices. In fact, about the highest median prices I have ever seen anywhere. Nice guns (Wilson Combats in stock); insane prices. Doubt I will go back. Almost $700 out the door for a refurbished SIG 220 .45 w/ dead tritium sights...

After listening to a condescending attitude: "Well you can always buy one (SIG 220) new for $1000...but we don't have any..." and "That Colt Series 80 is so expensive ($1100) 'cause Colt is going out of business and will be sold next year...", I kind of bit my tongue and just left with my ammo purchase.

Funny...if they had even ventured even the slightest discount on that 220, I probably would have bought it on impulse (even at that high price point) along with ammo, holsters, and grips.

2. Kirks: I must get better treatment 'cause I'm an old guy :D . A bit over priced on some items but some good deals to be had. It helps to be an informed shooter/shopper. They will haggle (a little). Friendly enough that I bought from them and will return in future.

3. Collector's Gun Exchange: Great Customer Service. Prices range from very good to a little high. Depends what you are looking for. Mr. Paul Lee... super friendly and extremely knowlegeable. Rest of staff friendly as well. Willing to make a deal, throw in ammo & accessories. Has more quality used pistols and revolvers than other places. Owner collects Colts. Bought from them and I will definitely do repeat business.

4. Overall El Paso, TX Area Prices and Handgun Inventory: I don't know how the rest of Texas is, but this area is high priced compared to other parts of the USA [Ohio Valley (Ohio, WV, KY) , Georgia, Colorado]. Also have to figure in an 8.25% sales tax.

85% of handguns in counters are semi-auto; 10% SAA/Clones (Cowboy Shooting); 5% DA revolvers and most of them new Taurus snubs or Smith J-frames. Older Colts & Smiths are SCARCE.


New member
Chindo, what you and cloudcroft report is pretty accurate. My experience
with Collectors Gun Exchange has been great. However, El Paso Gun
Exchange has been very rude to me every time I go in there. The new owner
(don't know his name, it's not Senior anymore) is very condescending and
just plain rude. I wanted to buy one of the Yugo SKS's he had on the rack and I asked if he had anymore I could take a look at. He said "we don't do
hand picks here". I walked out immediately.

Kirk's employees (and himself) are posterboys against inbreeding. They look
at you as if you are a freak when you walk in their store. They don't say
anything to you unless you say something first. Their prices are friggen higher
than retail (same with El Paso Gun Exchange).

Their is a new place on Yarborough street called "Top Guns" or some horse**** like that. Never checked it out, but it looks very small.
Unfortunately, Collectors Gun Exchange is the only game in town as far
as I'm concerned, but his prices are a little high. Great customer service
though,something that is very rarely scene in the gun business anymore!
Deming N.M. has a good shop, don't remember what it is called. When I was there in 2004, they had a great selection of assault type rifles. They seemed
like decent people too. There is a gun show at the Temple this weekend!
I would check that out. Avoid the shows downtown, they suck.


New member
I have lived in El Paso for about 2 1/2 years and have been to most gun shops in town. Kirks, well now another name probably, seemed to have a very expensive inventory, may be around 100 to 150 dollars over priced. Staff was some what unfriendly and ammo prices were high. El Paso Gun Exchange, well dont really go there any more cause my first experience was my last there. Staff very unfriendly and prices were high, even for the used guns. They seemed to treat you like you were ignorant about guns and they knew everything. The only friendly person there was Charlie. Collectors Gun Exchange, the staff is friendly and they have a very large selection there to include all your assault weapons, bolt actions, pistols, holsters and ammo. Prices are:) lower than the other two and if you cant find it there, Mr. Lee can order it. It has a more friendly atmosphere and the sales personnel do not push any one thing on you, they let you take your time and there is no rush. Kinda like buying a car but you are buying a gun, you want it to fit you. I would recommend this gun store to everyone. :)


New member
Sorry for bringing up an old thread again, but I'm in El Paso and I stumbled across this topic.

My experiences coincide with everyone else. Kirk's is way overpriced but they do tend to chill out once you buy stuff from them. The shorter, fatter guy is ex Border Patrol and is pretty friendly but the taller guy is always obnoxious. (Whoops- meant El Paso Gun Exchange) Gun exchange was good way back when the really big guy with white hair owned it but it has changed hands a couple of times and now a woman owns it- it is the only store that I just turned around and walked out of because they were so rude. The Topgun place stinks, I think they had like 4 guns there when I went a few weeks ago. Collectors gun exchange is ok, fairly decent selection but overpriced. The best thing is that Academy Sports is opening soon and they will massively undercut the gun shop prices and the gun stores will hopefully lower their prices- that is what happened in Lubbock when the Academy opened. Speaking of Lubbock, anyone should drive up there and check out Sharpshooter's- their inventory is way, way more than anything in El Paso and they actually will haggle, which the ones in El Paso don't want to do. Sharpshooter's also comes to most of the gunshows and they are ok people once they know you. When I lived in Lubbock, I was in there so much and bought so much that they told me I could just go behind the counter whenever I wanted- try that in most gun stores!

The best thing about El Paso is the Ft. Bliss Rod and Gun Club, which is excellant, cheap, and doesn't have range nazis and millions of rules. That is something I missed in the rest of Texas. It makes up for the gun stores.
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3 weelin geezer

New member
Since when has Collector's started carrying assault weapons??? I went there and asked but paul (the owner?) said he didn't do that.

Let me start by saying DO NOT GO TO ALAMO SHOOTER'S SUPPLY!! Those guys just leave you there like you are a pile of s*** if a MEXICAN walks into the store. Very easy to spot them. They are always clad in the latest John Wayne boots and hat and they walk in there like they just got off a horse, pulling their pants up and surveying the store from the door with a scowl on their face. Then, you never see them again but the person behind the counter shrinks into the shadows. Is it just me, or do they NOT seem to want to sell me something????

I went over to the rod an' gun just the other day and Larry tells me they have nothing for sale. Or rent. They probably still have that old coot that drives around in the pickup acting all tough and s***. And you cant use automatic weapons there ....or anywhere in town for that matter. :(

I believe that there is a gun show this weekend on Sep 8-9 '07 (as there are many weekends in the year)

I like going to the gun exchange myself. Its conveniently located near the mall so when she goes to buy shoes, I go to look at guns. nuff said. And the cigar shop is also conveniently located a few doors down.
They don't have a very interesting selection of new guns IMO and the consignments/used guns is not all that great lately. Neither are the prices on those guns. Might as well buy new. The bad thing I have to say is that the bald guy (the owner?) IS A DOOFUS! You figger a man that makes a living selling guns should know that machine guns (though they don't sell any) are NOT illegal to those without a felony conviction and the average joe. And as few gun shops in town, you figger he could say who DOES have a class III license and can do such a transfer and of course tell you how it is that you legally buy one. Not stand there and try to baffle you with B.S. and try to make you run out of there shrieking in panic! They don't make you a terrorist. I should have put a towel on my head and grown a beard the way he looked at me. Is it me or is it eerily quiet in here? LOL!

I like going to kirk's (if they still call it that now that kirk sold the shop to that hippie looking young man) just because they don't smile (and look at you like you are there to steal something) and try to sell you stuff that you don't need/want. I like to look around in peace. But you know, the old guy with the mustache seems pretty friendly to me. Maybe its the new ownership. He may ask if I need help once and leave me alone. Yeah, kinda pricey sometimes but thats what happens when the big shops go out of business and there is less competition. Ah, I miss starkey's. That place was almost...almost...like Kesselring's up in Bellingham, Wa. Another thing thats good about these guys is that they rearranged the shop a lot better and dusted their wares...finally! Looks a lot better.

How about Chuy's? Anyone dealt with him as far as selling guns? I snagged a couple of interesting b/p guns there for around $50. Don't ask him about how to get a machine gun because he will try to discourage you like its the most wrong thing you could do. But he seems to genuinely believe what he says. Better to be safe than sorry is his motto I guess but he doesn't make stuff up like EP gun exchange. Now, if you don't mind paying a little more for his gunsmith services, you won't be disappointed in his work. You can sometimes find some good consignment stuff there though. I need to check what he has but haven't had the time to go visit him.

Top gunz does suck like president clinton in a cigar shop but the last time I went there they had more than 4 guns. I think it was more like 10. But with all their police badges and accessories along with holsters, who needs guns? The one thing they didn't have was a police radio for sale. I did get a neat little pin to glue to my helmet. It reads: CRASH. I am puzzled why they didn't make me produce all kinds of id to make sure I am in the crash unit. Hell, I didn't even know what it stood for.

How could my opinion be complete without mentioning ...whats that place called?....Shooter's warehouse up in Las Cruces. They have a wall about as long as a semi trailer full of guns, racks and racks of ammo ( I actually found some 10 Ga. shells :O ) , reloading equiptment, brass, camping stuff, wide selection of hunting clothes, and don't get me started on the fishing section! :p


New member
Collector's has been selling "assault weapons" since I first went there about a year ago or so- I've bought a couple there. The owner is a really nice guy once you dump a bunch of money there- although he can be hard to understand sometimes and he doesn't have a huge knowledge about guns in general.

I don't have any class 3 or a .50, so the gun club is good for me- I know the General flipped out a couple of years ago and banned rifles for awhile when some Cav guys wandered into the impact zone. Way back, anything went (and I've been going there since it was at Biggs). But still a great place and the food isn't bad either.

Are you talking about Chuy who used to gunsmith at Starkey's? I believe the bald guy at the Gun Exchange is the gun smith- he used to be cool but I got really pissed when he quotes me a $350 price tag for an Ar lower that was complete and I kept saying, no I want a stripped one and he couldn't understand that.

You know, I've never been to Shooter's warehouse, I'll have to go check that out.


New member
Hey cloudcroft, what's the name of that little gun shop on Mesa in the strip shopping center with the all white buildings? I go in there every time I'm in town.


New member
You may try some to the Gun delaers that do not carry inventory , I use Outdoor sports , if I know what I want nobay can touch his prices. Give him a call he is a good guy , again he does not have inventory to show you , you need to know what it is you are looking for. Gil 915-383-3534


New member
Gun store west El PasO

Collectors is ok. The Chinese guy is helpful but the tall fat guy Tony seems to think he knows all and really does not when to shut up. I was gettingreasy to by, but Tony didn't shut up and over informed me and for that collectors lost a sale. Information over load. I'd rather go to east El Paso. :mad:


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buy guns

Well when I personally go to any gun shop I pretty much know what i want already, especially after doing extensive research on the specific weapon I want. I do this so that when rude dealers try and outsmart you or give some kind of smurky response to your question you can also talk back with some reasonable knowledge. Everytime I do this they see that I too know what I am talking about and thus treat me with more respect. It helps alot if you know a bit of the history of the weapon and where it comes from and the different variations of it. that will impress the seller and will be more willing to sell you a gun because he doesnt have to explain all the schematics behind it.