Ejecting Brass into Forehead


New member
Y'all, just got back from shooting my ParaOrdnance P-13 with various loads. I started getting brass ejecting directly back into my forhead about 1/3 of the time -same thing happend to my buddy who tried it out.

Is this an ejector, extractor, or recoil spring issue?

I thank you and my forehead thanks you.


New member
I've always heard, 4-5 feet out is the ideal spot.Undersprung pistols eject up and back to the shooters.How old is your pistol?Recoil springs are probably your cheapest and fast option.SAFE-SHOOTING!


New member
It's all of the above.

The easiest to change is the recoil spring. Altering the length of the ejector is next easiest, but if you take off too much, it won't eject at all.


New member
Been through the problem. In my case the extractor was the culprit. Replaced it, no problems since (2 years, a couple of thousand rounds later).

James K

Member In Memoriam
How hard a pistol ejects is a factor of speed of slide movement, which can be affected by the recoil spring. Where it ejects is usually a factor of the extractor and ejector. Often, a slight alteration of the ejector face (not necessarily shortening) will change the angle of ejection and you won't have to buy a face shield.



New member
gaijin, I don't buy the strong grip idea. My #2 Norinco used to do this and I held the grip real tight after a hot case landed between my shooting glasses and my cheek bone. The more it hurt the harder I grabbed the grip. I just had the pistol refinished and I am not sure if replacing the ejector, or extractor cured the situation but it is gone. Regards, Richard


New member
I had the same problem on the same gun. I replaced the recoil spring and everything works fine now. Hope this helps.


Kentucky Rifle

New member
One time the lady who was...

..shooting at the station next to mine was having a little poblem with the rounds ejecting straight up and over the partition. I thought it was kinda funny 'till one empty went down my collar. MAN!! I did the "fire dance" across the floor--everybody laughed. I have a small scar. I now ALWAYS button my shirt all the way up!

Kentucky Rifle

The Reaper

New member
Dag who would've thought after I got rid of that P-13 it would end up in California. :D

Seriously I had the same problem. Did the spring, did the ejector, it was the ejector.

Still got rid of it though. I developed quite a flinch when shooting it. I would always duck to the right.:D


New member
Glocks are bad about this if you are limpwristing, but I suspect that this isn't the problem with your pistol.

I suggest two things..

1. Take the advice about the part changes.

2. If for some reason you can't do the part changes, start using the same type of ammo every time. At least then you will have a uniform "headstamp" (no pun intended) on your forehead!:D

Good Shooting


New member
There is the posibility that your extractor needs a bit more tension
or the fireing pin stop is loose and allows the extractor to turn a
bit,called clocking..Eather or both of these conditions cause the effect that you are getting..



New member
Admit it

You got the Homeboy Nite-Sytes from Birdman and are ghetto-blasting, aren't you?


PS seriously, thats the only time I've ever had brass fly back at me, was trying to shoot gangsta-style (DON'T ASK).