EIG Model E 15


New member
I have a EIG Model E 15. Would like to get it back in complete working condition. I realize it is nothing special, just sentimental. I don't know the proper terminology for the parts, but I will try to explain. When I point the gun up and cock the hammer the cylinder does not rotate. Pointed down it does. There is a little lever that falls forward and rotates the cylinder. I think there is supposed to be a spring on it that is either broken or missing. The gun looks like a Colt Buffalo Scout I think. Can I get parts to fix it? It belongs to my father-in-law and I would like to give it back to him in complete order. He said he bought it in 1968. BTW, I didn't break it. This is how it was when he gave it to me to clean and hold. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member

Thanks Cap. Looks like the part is called a hand and spring for $17.95. It is a reproduction, but that doesn't matter. I am surprised to find one at all. Thanks again.


New member
I have an E5 (.22 Short) I inherited and for a cheap little gun it performs pretty well. Grips are not original, but were hand-made by the relative who left me the gun, so...
