Effectiveness of shotgun loads on hogs


New member
I am going hog hunting with my brother two weeks from now and would like to get some opinions on how effective shotgun slugs and buckshot are on hogs.

Here's the setup:

I will be carrying a .308 with Federal Trophy Bonded Bear Claw. We will both be in separate tree stands 50-100 yards away from a feeder. My brother is considering using my 12 gauge shotgun loaded with slugs or buckshot. The shotgun has a smooth bore cylinder with rifle sights.

1) Would rifled slugs be effective for a 1 shot stop?

2) Would heavy buckshot ('0'/'00/'000') be effective for a 1 shot stop?

3) Considering that the 3" slugs and buckshot have a hellish recoil with a several second recovery time for the shooter, would it be better to use 2.75" shells for fast follow up shots, or would it be better to attempt a 1 shot drop with a 3" shell?


New member
Have seen a 240lb. hog do the two-step drop and die with a 2 3/4" slug at 75 yards. If your brother is not familiar with the gun however, he should go to a range and really figure it out. Slugs can do cooky things!

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Off the cuff, I'd think slugs would be more effective than any shot, except maybe while walking and at very close range. Just a guess.

It would be wise to try him with both "hot loads" and standards, remembering that y'all need to use some padding if shooting from a bench rest. Don't get him into flinch mode. The perceived recoil when shooting from a stand is much less than from the bench.


Alex Johnson

New member
I can't say as I would recommend buckshot too highly. I had the unpleaseant experience of trying to put a small doe down with 3" #4 buck a few years back (not by choice). To make this story short, I put 3 rounds into it at ranges varying from 15-30 yards. It went down, but I wasn't impressed with the results. I'm sure larger buck would have worked better, but it wasn't available.