

New member
OK just talked to my lifelong buddy who happens to have landed a job as a union organizor (business agent I believe the title is) after working in the trade for a long time. He is now slowly but surely loosing all previous values once held. Troublesome I say but oh well. Now the other day he saw Edwards speak here in WA and my buddy has decided this is the working man's canidate.

Questions: How does this candidate stand on second amedments issues?
How does this candidate stand on non 2nd bill of rights issues?

Need the info by tomorrow as we have a masonic function to drive to and I will have his ear for an hour.



New member
If you look at his legal career it is pretty impressive. In his most famous case he was the lawyer for a girl who was disembowled by the suction pump of a pool drain. The company received numerous complaints over the excessive suction power of its pumps, yet continued to make them the same way. He won 25 million for the girl and her family. The Republican talking point is that he's an "ambulance chaser" but if you actually read about what he has done you will find that they were not baseless lawsuits. He is a very accomplished individual.

The Republicans in power want to allow Mexican truck drivers into the country. The Union is totally against that and I support the Union because I support American Jobs. Edwards supports unions for the same reason. He is the working mans candidate, not the republicans who tell you that buying a 15 round ammo clip is more important than having a job.

old 12 gauge

yeah, he's tries to put on the good old boy act and almost cries when he talks about his daddy working in the mill,, BUT this takes it alll away.

• John Edwards' campaign paid $800 for two haircuts by a Beverly Hills stylist
• Former senator's campaign also paid for spa visits in Iowa and New Hampshire
• Spokesperson for North Carolina Democrat declined to comment on reports

He's a phony


New member
Wow. laura bush pays $700 for hers, and she still looks like crap.

phony, indeed.

Seriously, it's a haircut. How about Bill's $200 haircut that didn't actually hold up flights? Very silly way to make a decision.

Please choose something interesting and real to beef about. Something like issues. The fact that he is a lawyer and pays for haircuts is about as far from important to whether he gets your vote as you can get.

If you feel his positions don't match yours, then don't vote for him. The complaints so far on this thread are simply childish.

old 12 gauge


Please choose something interesting and real to beef about. Something like issues. The fact that he is a lawyer and pays for haircuts is about as far from important to whether he gets your vote as you can get.

If you feel his positions don't match yours, then don't vote for him. The complaints so far on this thread are simply childish.

the hair cut is an issue, it was not his personal money.

also the complaints on this thread may be childish to you but they were attacking a person that may lead the country, they were not attacking board members, where was your contribution??

John Edwards on Gun Control
Democratic Nominee for Vice President; NC Jr Senator

Right to bear arms protected by Second Amendment, with rules

I believe the right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment. I also support reasonable measures to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, including closing the gun show loophole and vigorously enforcing gun laws


New member
the hair cut is an issue, it was not his personal money.

Since when did personal appearance not count as part of a political campaign? Ever since Kennedy beat Nixon, it has mattered. In this day and age where everyone has a camera on their person, it definitely matters.

also the complaints on this thread may be childish to you but they were attacking a person that may lead the country, they were not attacking board members, where was your contribution??

My contribution was to point out that the argument was piss poor as there is plenty to complain about instead of having posts on this forum be seen by anyone and everyone and having gun right advocates in general painted as simpletons. If that's how you prefer to be perceived, have at it.


New member
Please choose something interesting and real to beef about. Something like issues. The fact that he is a lawyer and pays for haircuts is about as far from important to whether he gets your vote as you can get.

Speak for yourself. I don't trust any man that has hair prettier than a fashion model....serious...no joking. Can't run a country when you spend all your time making sure your hair is in place.

Since when did personal appearance not count as part of a political campaign? Ever since Kennedy beat Nixon, it has mattered. In this day and age where everyone has a camera on their person, it definitely matters.

I am an old timer. Watched that debate live. Yes Nixon not being clean shaved didn't help, but actually it was Kennedy's smooth answers compared to Nixon's nervous answers that won the day....not looks. Well, Ok. The women voters did think Kennedy was cute.


New member
I tend to agree anyone who place form over function I worry about.

Not to mention priority of resources. Granted anyone can spend thier own money on whatever they want. That's what freedom is all about, but that doesn't mean I can't think you are stupid for spending your money on that.

You know the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut. :confused:
About two weeks.:D


New member
Looks and charisma are important. Look at Ronald Reagan. He's the patron saint of modern conservatism, yet he tripled the deficit when he was in office. Thats not conservatism in my book. He did a few good things, but 90% of his popularity is looks and charisma. I agree I don't like form over function, and I don't like $200 haircuts, but its not enough to make me write off Edwards as a candidate.