Editorial: Hollyweird & the War


New member
Note to Hollywood: Things are no less clear today than in 1942

By BRAD WARTHEN Editorial Page Editor

"I'll bet they're asleep all over America." -- "Casablanca"

We've heard a lot about how the atrocities of Sept. 11 put a crimp in the plans of Hollywood, with Arnold Schwarzenegger's latest movie on hold, theaters pulling the trailer for "Spiderman," yadda, yadda.

Poor Hollywood.

Yet somehow, what with one thing and another going on in the world, I had managed to put the terrible travails of Tinseltown out of my head. Then I was yanked back to unreality by a promo in USA Today Wednesday.

Next to Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman doing their signature scene on the foggy tarmac in "Casablanca" were these words: "A time gone by: During WWII, Hollywood quickly made movies to support the war effort. Today it's not that simple. 4D"

Thinking, "Whaddaya mean it's not so simple?", I turned to page 4D, where I found a story headlined "Hollywood now facing 'a different kind of war.' "

For the rest of the editorial, go here. http://web.thestate.com/content/columbia/2001/10/14/warthen/movies_web14.htm

Jim V

New member
The problem does not lay in trying to figure who the evil ones are, it lies in the laps of the morally berif, anti-America, socialists that populate the film industry.

There is not such thing as a Liberal, call them what they are, SOCIALISTS.


New member
Moral relativism.

What is "right" or "wrong" these days? Everything is "right" according to how you look at it and who you ask to define it. And woe unto you if you tell any person that what they are doing is "wrong".

With no "right" and no "wrong", how can you believe in anything?
If you believe in nothing, what do you fight for?

America has lost its spine because we have nothing to stand up for anymore.