EDC day/night sights for G26?


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I've have a number of Glocks, but I've whittled down my "go-to" Gs to my 17 and brand new 26 in BFG.

I bounced between the 19 and then 43 for my EDC, but after experiencing grip-based FTF and FTE with the 43 (my thumb kept hitting the slide stop lever), I decided it was time to get the 26. I'm really pleased with the "Baby Glock," but gratefully see it for what it is- a full frame Glock (that happens to be shorter and more concealable).

I added a Talon Grip today to the G26, like all my other Glocks. Too bad Talon Grips don't yet have other colors! But this one will wear in after some shooting and handling. She may not win any beauty contests (what Glock does?) but I sure like her!

I have been carrying my G17 but welcome the compact powerhouse that is the G26 and may end up putting it in the rotation more frequently. I have TruGlo TFOs on the G17 and would appreciate suggestions for a fast set of sights (for EDC and self defense) for my G26.

Normally I'd keep sights the same on my carry pieces, but I'm not overly-enamored of the TruGlos as I don't find them bright enough at night (they are brilliant in daylight). Plus, they lose contrast in a backlit daylight situation. They are good sights but I just want something faster. Trijicon HD? Mepros? Ameriglo?

Open to suggestions- thank you!


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I have the Trijicon HD's (orange) on my Glocks and really like them. The orange really helps my middle aged eyes. FWIW, I switched from the XS Big Dots.


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Love the TruGlo sights, on all my Glocks. Nice snap of your G26, my Glock 19 4th Gen, the bottom of the Magazine release, pinched my second finger, sliced it off (No not the finger!) cured.

Both concealed the same to me, but the 16 rounds ready to go of theG19, and feels the best of any Glock in my hand, a spare G17 mag? Vonderbar.


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The Glock-branded factory nights sights have always worked great for me. They are relatively inexpensive (~$60), easy to install, and they work.


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I am one of those oddballs that uses a night sight only on the front. I like the Trijicon HD with the orange outline - good visibility in daylight or dark.

For those who might not have considered front-only night sights, it makes the front sight most prominent, making it easier to keep the focus on the front sight. In low light, the sight picture is much simplified, and you can achieve surprising accuracy by trusting your hand to keep the rear sights where you know they should be and only looking at the front sight, if that makes sense.


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I am one of those oddballs that uses a night sight only on the front. I like the Trijicon HD with the orange outline - good visibility in daylight or dark.
My EDC CZ PCR also has a tritium vial in the front sight only. I filled the OEM rear dots with red paint.

I like it a lot. When I draw the gun and push it out, my eye is drawn right to that brighter (lit at night, lighter color in the day) front sight. The red rear dots are subdued in comparison during the day.

I'm also a big fan of XS Big dots. These also use a tritium vial in the front sight surrounded by a big white circle. The rear sight is a painted line and you dot the i or make a lollipop for a sight picture..


New member
I have Ameriglo Pro-IDOT sights on my G26 right now. I like them OK and they are a big improvement over the factory sights. If you decide you want only a front dot, you can cover the rear. For me, the XS Big dot is more visible than the Ameriglo but may be a bit less precise.


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The Ameriglo ProIDot in green orange looks good to me. I like the bright, simplified sight pic. Is this the combo people here like?


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I use either the factory Glock NS, or Meprolights. Both 3 dot green. I have them on all my Glocks.

DVOR (www.dvor.com) has had them on sale a couple of times over the past 6 months for $53 a set. Pretty good deal if you dont mind putting them on yourself.

Ive seen posted a number of times now, that if you send your slide to Glock, they will install a set for about the same price. Might be the better option if you would prefer someone else to install them.


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Glock 26

Picked up a Glock 26 Gen 4 a couple of weeks ago. I put Trijicon HD(yellow) sights on it yesterday. I haven't tried it at the range yet but they look cool and definitely are better than the sights that came on the gun.
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New member
I had the same thought process and looked around for sights too. Believe it or not, the best solution for me (not cheapest!) was to have my slide milled and an RMR by trijicon installed. I went with the RM06 6.5 MOA dot with auto brightness.

My eyes are already changing and I don't want to have to fight dimming tritium AND fuzzy rear sights in ten years.

This option is not cheap, it isn't for every one BUT you would be wise to consider it as you decide. I wish I could have gone with the $60 glock sights but this is my long term carry piece now (mine is a 17, but they work on a 26 as well and only weigh 1.1 ounces).

The down side is that once you drop $800 on the sight/slide, you think; "what the heck, it's only $120 more for a trigger, $80 for a barrel and $200 for a match slide." I wound up with a new trigger too.

Not my most frugal moment, but I can consistently ring steel out to 50-75 yards now. I hope to reach 100 yards by next month.

Oh well, as you can see, I really enjoy this upgrade and I simply think you should give it some thought if you are considering having night fighting capability.

Whew, that's a lot on an iPhone keypad.


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The Ameriglo ProIDot in green orange looks good to me. I like the bright, simplified sight pic. Is this the combo people here like?

It's what I use on mine. The orange outline is great for picking up the front sight in daylight.


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Reference your iPhone keypad. Tough typing yes, my Wife has the iPhone 6s. I the iPhone 5s.

You talk to them. It types it up.

My Wife has more luck with her's, this American phone has a problem with my Scouse accent (I told it I was a citizen, did not help) the picture window sight you installed is the way of the future.


I brought down 3 Glocks from Canada, in 2003, a 26/19/17, had nothing done to them since. Have a new G17 and 19, Gen 3, plus my carry and match Glock 19 4thGen. Love the TruGlo on my Gen 4, but will put the Glock sights on my 3 old guns.
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New member
Ive toyed with trying the Big Dot sights off and on for a number of years now, but keep coming to the conclusion, I dont want to give up the longer range capabilities the more traditional sight give you.

At the distances the Big Dots probably shine, I really dont use the sights at all, but tend to focus on the target and shoot over the gun.


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If I had answered this question last week my reply may have been different. I have HD's on my 26 and my 19. I decided that I was tired of the rear sight cutting my gut. I decided I was going to put my regular Trijicons back on my 26. I shot my 26 with the regulars back on it and found that with my HD's I was faster and more accurate not only at contact distance but also at 20+ yards. For me will stick with the HD's


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My Son and I compleated our Re-Ql, a 4-hour program last night, 6 till 10 PM.
The annual G license course.

The lighting was not good, a sort of overall glow?

But the 3 green fiber optic inserts shone just great. TruGlo. On Glock 19.
They allowed both precise slow fire, and quick close quarter double taps.

I will let someone else jump in on the stupid target! No points for head shots! The ten zone? Nowhere near the upper chest area we are all now told to aim for! More in the belly of the huge target.


New member
I shot at a couple of SQT-A1 targets the other day at 25 yards with a G26 topped with Ameriglo Pro-IDOT sights and a S&W 342 Airlite snubby with XS Big Dots. I was able to get 20/20 on the silhouette with the G26 but only got 9/10 with the snubby. The hits tended to be better with the Glock but I think that had more to do with the better trigger and longer sight radius than the fact that the 342 has a Big Dot. Shooting at seven yards from concealment, the 342 seemed faster with the Big Dot than the Glock with the Pro-IDOT.

I'm not sure how much I'm giving up in precision with the Big Dot but it would be nice to have two G26s to try, one with the Big Dot and the other with the Ameriglo Pro-IDOT, and shoot for precision and with a timer.


New member
try the XS Big Dots or the I-Dot pros, I prefer the Big Dots and the crap about them not being accurate at distance is just that,,, crap I've made CM hits at 50 yards with the Big dots with a G19 and A G23 all it takes is learning to use them and knowing your gun.