Economy in the tank

Yankee Doodle

New member
In the face of our fallen economy, and the probability of an increasing crime rate, what if any changes have you made in your home and self defense stratagies and equipment?
I live in a rural area, and for the first time in memory, I have started to lock all doors, vehicles, and windows. In addition, I have placed "powder actuated portable protective devices" throughout the house and all outbuildings.
My basic alarm system (Akita) has been supplemented, and I now have motion sensors, and trail cameras in the driveway, and CCTV on the house to warn of, and record any vehicles or people approaching from every direction.
My personal defense items remain the same, and I see no reason to upgrade them. They worked just fine for over 20 years on "The Job", and should continue to do so.
The world is divided into "haves" and "have nots". By virtue of the fact that we are even on this forum, I feel that we all fall into the "have" catagory.
So, the question remains. What, if any changes have you made, and why.


New member
I live in Government housing, on a military base. 2 weeks ago 12 cars were broken into and there contents stolen. We have no initiated a neighborhood watch. Which is a shame considering we are in gated property that is guarded. We now stop anyone we dont recognize and ask for I.D. Car doors are all being locked and so are houses. We use to be able to just head over to a friends hose and just cruise inside. Not anymore. I have noticed that alot more people are also carying firearms while outside. Not necissarily (sorry about the horrid spelling:confused:) open carry, but not really concealed. It is almost like a small show of force to let outsiders know we mean business.

Yankee Traveler

New member
Our changes include:
Privacy Tint ont the window and door window in the garage basement - Keeps the creeps from peering in.
Angle iron bolted to the block wall inside the window (self made grating) - keeps the creeps from coming in through the window if they decide to break it anyway
Angle iron bolted to the wall - secures the door frame from being kicked in

I am fortunate to live in a nieghborhood that is predominantly military, 5th SFG, 160th SOAR....BG's haven't frequented this part of town...

Yankee Traveler

New member
And the wife has decided it's time for her to armed and start shooting (at targets!), so we will be visiting some ranges to see what she likes, lucky me!!!
I'm thinking 9mm or .38 Super but we'll see.

The Great Mahoo

New member
I can't think of the last time my neighborhood has had any problems, so I still feel pretty safe. Besides, I've come to the conclusion that as many large glass, ground level windows/doors as I have, it would be impossible to make really secure the place from a determined assailant.

I've always kept all doors and cars locked when I will be away for a few hours. I have some guns stored in a quickaccess safe that I usually am near enough by when at home. I also tend to carry more often these days, as work and dress permit.

Hawaiian Eye

New member
I now own an XD45 for me and will either be adding a 9mm for my wife or an AR if they're still available and in stock come tax return time. Battery powered night lights that have light and motion sensors to light up entry points are going in soon. I'd add a canine alarm system, but several family members have alergies affected by fur.


New member
A few more mags, . . . some more ammo, . . . and more importantly, . . . an overall upgrade of the "stockpile" of food and supplies.

I don't anticipate having to hunker down and lay low, . . . but my parents didn't anticipate Pearl Harbor either.

Too old to run, . . . no real place to run to, . . . just planning on sitting tight and trying to hang on to what has been entrusted to my care.

May God bless,


New member
ive been carrying a lot more lately and got a couple nice knives for myself and my mom. i also tought her how to shoot my XD if im not home and she needs to use it. plus i got baseball bats and poolsticks stashed throughout the house


New member
Ease up guys. The world is not ending. In fact, with the new administration, everything is now going to be free in America - no more crime.


New member
No changes. I still like to keep the vehicles fueled up. We, by nature, have a huge stockpile of food, keep some water on hand and know where to get more, close by.

I keep the same weapons handy along with more than adequate ammunition. Keep an Urban Disaster Survival Pack in each automobile and on the quad. No room for such provisions on the motorbikes.

We've always locked the doors and we have an alarm system. I shop and dine at the nicer establishments. This is one area I will work with the missus on. She insists on doing some of her grocery shopping at a particular store that's cheaper, but in a rougher neighborhood with clientele to match. I don't consider the cost savings worth the risk.


New member
Nothing changed here. Stocked up on ammo when I can find a deal. But thats getting harder to do these days.


New member
Ease up guys. The world is not ending. In fact, with the new administration, everything is now going to be free in America - no more crime.

The day we have no more crime is the day our government has too much control over us.

The novel "1984" helped me realize this..


New member
How am I dealing with it? I gave my leftover Hue style Vietnamese soup to an 80 year old guy diggning through a garbage can the other night, and thought to myself "There but for the grace of god go I..."


New member
Yankee Traveler
And the wife has decided it's time for her to armed and start shooting (at targets!), so we will be visiting some ranges to see what she likes, lucky me!!!
Mine is nearly there herself.


New member
Bought more AK and AR mags and ammo,a LOT more...a lot of food and water...2 tents,cooking supplies,etc.Trying to 'secure' our perimeter and mapping out 'escape routes'...going to the gun show this weekend to find what else can be acquired.