EBay gun parts

I saw some things on Ebay that could be paid by pay-pal only and it go some like this " Send me a 1000.00 because I am sick and out of work. "

On the dealers in gun parts, they show pictures, discribe parts, try to give part no. and answer question abuot the parts.

Maybe I been lucky, I got a new cylinder for H&R revolver and used very good hammer at very reasonable price. On payment they will work with you. I like to pay by cashier's check. On both items (7 days from my mail box to part at front door, other 5 days) were recived fast. When the seller has a 99-100 excellent rating on over a 100 sold items, I believe they can be trusted.

When someone is a shady dealer, I do not think they be in Ebay gun parts dealing very long, and show up on gun forums to stay away from these sellers.

Any thoughts or bad experiences with Ebay sellers.


I agree with you on your analysis of rating and number of items sold, as long as you are dealing in "little" stuff. Once you get into higher ticket items, $200-$300 plus, I always check to see where their ratings came from.
I saw one scammer that, on the surface,all of his numbers looked great.
When you dug into them, all of his positive feedbacks came from low-cost items ($.50 to 2.00) he had bought. (Mainly on "Dutch Auctions"). Buyer credits don't mean much when it comes to evaluating a seller.
After building up what looked like good numbers, 100% positive feedback over 150 auctions, he offered some expensive camera gear ($500 to $750 digitals), sold about 10 or 15 of them, and disappeared. I don't know if the Law ever ran him down or not. Probably didn't give it much effort as there was only $5000 or so involved. (This time :mad: )
Also, a negative feed-back or two shouldn't turn you away from a deal if everything else looks good. There are some real jerks out there that will zap a seller for no legitimate reason.



New member
When the seller has a 99-100 excellent rating on over a 100 sold items, I believe they can be trusted.

I used to believe that. I was wrong.

Now I do not buy anything over $100.00
